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Sigma KEE - MycophenolicAcid
MycophenolicAcid(mycophenolic acid)

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(documentation MycophenolicAcid EnglishLanguage "Mycophenolic acid (MPA) is an immunosuppressant medication used to prevent rejection following organ transplantation and to treat autoimmune conditions such as Crohn's disease and lupus. Specifically it is used following kidney, heart, and liver transplantation. It can be given by mouth or by injection into a vein. It comes as mycophenolate sodium and mycophenolate mofetil. Common side effects include nausea, infections, and diarrhea. [from Wikipedia]") Medicine.kif 4727-4734
(sideEffect MycophenolicAcid Diarrhea) Medicine.kif 4739-4739 Diarrhea is a side effect of taking mycophenolic acid
(sideEffect MycophenolicAcid Nausea) Medicine.kif 4738-4738 Nausea is a side effect of taking mycophenolic acid
(subclass MycophenolicAcid Immunosuppressive) Medicine.kif 4725-4725 Mycophenolic acid is a subclass of immunosuppressant

appearance as argument number 2

(diseaseMedicine CrohnsDisease MycophenolicAcid Ingesting) Medicine.kif 4736-4736 Crohn's disease is disease treatment mycophenolic acid for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine Lupus MycophenolicAcid Ingesting) Medicine.kif 4737-4737 Lupus is disease treatment mycophenolic acid for ingesting
(subclass CellCept MycophenolicAcid) Medicine.kif 4741-4741 CellCept is a subclass of mycophenolic acid
(termFormat EnglishLanguage MycophenolicAcid "mycophenolic acid") Medicine.kif 4735-4735

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