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Sigma KEE - MultiGraph
MultiGraph(multi graph)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation MultiGraph ChineseLanguage "这是多样图的 Class,一个多样图拥有起码一对联系超过 一个 GraphArc GraphNodeGraph。") chinese_format.kif 2336-2337
(documentation MultiGraph EnglishLanguage "The Class of multigraphs. A multigraph is a Graph containing at least one pair of GraphNodes that are connected by more than one GraphArc.") Merge.kif 5774-5776
(documentation MultiGraph JapaneseLanguage "マルチグラフの Class 。マルチグラフは、複数の GraphArc によって接続されている GraphNode の少なくとも1つのペアを含む Graph である。") japanese_format.kif 1010-1011
(externalImage MultiGraph " a/ a7/ Multigraph.svg") pictureList.kif 1856-1856
(subclass MultiGraph Graph) Merge.kif 5772-5772 Multi graph is a subclass of graph

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage MultiGraph "多重图") chinese_format.kif 938-938
(termFormat EnglishLanguage MultiGraph "multi graph") english_format.kif 1083-1083
(termFormat FrenchLanguage MultiGraph "multi graph") french_format.kif 614-614
(termFormat Hindi MultiGraph "bahu aalekha") terms-hindi.txt 145-145
(termFormat ItalianLanguage MultiGraph "MultiGrafo") terms-it.txt 148-148
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage MultiGraph "マルチグラフ") japanese_format.kif 2299-2299
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage MultiGraph "Multi-grafo") portuguese_format.kif 566-566
(termFormat cb MultiGraph "kadaghanang agi") terms-cb.txt 150-150
(termFormat cz MultiGraph "multi graph") terms-cz.txt 182-182
(termFormat ro MultiGraph "multigraf") relations-ro.kif 635-635
(termFormat tg MultiGraph "napakaraming talaguhitan") terms-tg.txt 149-149


    (instance ?GRAPH MultiGraph)
    (exists (?ARC1 ?ARC2 ?NODE1 ?NODE2)
            (graphPart ?ARC1 ?GRAPH)
            (graphPart ?ARC2 ?GRAPH)
            (graphPart ?NODE1 ?GRAPH)
            (graphPart ?NODE2 ?GRAPH)
            (links ?NODE1 ?NODE2 ?ARC1)
            (links ?NODE1 ?NODE2 ?ARC2)
                (equal ?ARC1 ?ARC2)))))
Merge.kif 5778-5789


        (graphPart ?ARC1 ?GRAPH)
        (graphPart ?ARC2 ?GRAPH)
        (graphPart ?NODE1 ?GRAPH)
        (graphPart ?NODE2 ?GRAPH)
        (links ?NODE1 ?NODE2 ?ARC1)
        (links ?NODE1 ?NODE2 ?ARC2)
            (equal ?ARC1 ?ARC2)))
    (instance ?GRAPH MultiGraph))
Merge.kif 5791-5800

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