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Sigma KEE - MeasuringDevice
MeasuringDevice(measuring device)
Molisch's_test, Molisch_reaction, Molisch_test, absorption_indicator, acid-base_indicator, air-sleeve, air_sock, alpha-naphthol_test, detector, drogue, electric_meter, electrodynamometer, electroencephalograph, electrometer, electromyograph, electron_microscope, electronic_fetal_monitor, electronic_foetal_monitor, electronic_voltmeter, electroscope, fetal_monitor, foetal_monitor, gage, gauge, interferometer, measuring_device, measuring_instrument, measuring_system, metal_detector, power_meter, sensing_element, sensor, sock, tacheometer, tachymeter, trace_detector, ultracentrifuge, wind_cone, wind_sleeve, wind_sock, windsock, wire_gage, wire_gauge

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation MeasuringDevice ChineseLanguage "这是任何用来量度 PhysicalQuantityDevice。") chinese_format.kif 3628-3629
(documentation MeasuringDevice EnglishLanguage "Any Device whose purpose is to measure a PhysicalQuantity.") Merge.kif 16073-16074
(externalImage MeasuringDevice " thumb/ 3/ 35/ TapeMeasure.png/ 180px-TapeMeasure.png") pictureList.kif 1176-1176
(subclass MeasuringDevice Device) Merge.kif 16072-16072 Measuring device is a subclass of device

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Altimeter MeasuringDevice) MilitaryDevices.kif 1420-1420 Altimeter is a subclass of measuring device
(subclass AntibodyCOVIDTest MeasuringDevice) Medicine.kif 2750-2750 Antigen COVID test is a subclass of measuring device
(subclass BimetalTemperatureSensor MeasuringDevice) Cars.kif 4123-4123 Bi-metal temperature sensor is a subclass of measuring device
(subclass Clock MeasuringDevice) Mid-level-ontology.kif 2875-2875 Clock is a subclass of measuring device
(subclass FeelerGauge MeasuringDevice) Cars.kif 2771-2771 Feeler gauge is a subclass of measuring device
(subclass FitbitDevice MeasuringDevice) Medicine.kif 4458-4458 Fitbit is a subclass of measuring device
(subclass Hydrometer MeasuringDevice) Cars.kif 3104-3104 Hydrometer is a subclass of measuring device
(subclass MassAirflowSensor MeasuringDevice) Cars.kif 3357-3357 Mass airflow sensor is a subclass of measuring device
(subclass Odometer MeasuringDevice) Cars.kif 2963-2963 Odometer is a subclass of measuring device
(subclass OxygenSensor MeasuringDevice) Cars.kif 3395-3395 Oxygen sensor is a subclass of measuring device
(subclass PressureMeasuringDevice MeasuringDevice) Mid-level-ontology.kif 2911-2911 Pressure measuring device is a subclass of measuring device
(subclass RTPCRTest MeasuringDevice) Medicine.kif 1559-1559 Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction is a subclass of measuring device
(subclass SnellenChart MeasuringDevice) Medicine.kif 1699-1699 Snellen chart is a subclass of measuring device
(subclass Speedometer MeasuringDevice) Cars.kif 3012-3012 Speedometer is a subclass of measuring device
(subclass Tachometer MeasuringDevice) Cars.kif 4074-4074 Tachometer is a subclass of measuring device
(subclass TestForm MeasuringDevice) Mid-level-ontology.kif 14708-14708 Test form is a subclass of measuring device
(subclass Thermometer MeasuringDevice) Mid-level-ontology.kif 2899-2899 Thermometer is a subclass of measuring device
(subclass TorqueWrench MeasuringDevice) Cars.kif 4199-4199 Torque wrench is a subclass of measuring device
(subclass VacuumGauge MeasuringDevice) Cars.kif 4298-4298 Vacuum gauge is a subclass of measuring device
(termFormat ChineseLanguage MeasuringDevice "测量工具") domainEnglishFormat.kif 36718-36718 Vacuum gauge is a subclass of measuring device
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage MeasuringDevice "測量工具") domainEnglishFormat.kif 36717-36717 Vacuum gauge is a subclass of measuring device
(termFormat EnglishLanguage MeasuringDevice "measuring device") domainEnglishFormat.kif 36716-36716 Vacuum gauge is a subclass of measuring device

appearance as argument number 3

(domain measurementReading 1 MeasuringDevice) Mid-level-ontology.kif 2929-2929 The number 1 argument of measurement reading is an instance of measuring device


        (instance ?X MeasuringDevice)
        (attribute ?X ResetMeasuringDevice))
        (measurementReading ?X
            (MeasureFn 0 ?U))
        (instance ?U UnitOfMeasure)))
Cars.kif 3003-3010
    (instance ?DEVICE MeasuringDevice)
    (hasPurpose ?DEVICE
        (exists (?MEASURE)
                (instance ?MEASURE Measuring)
                (instrument ?MEASURE ?DEVICE)))))
Merge.kif 16076-16082

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