(instance ?LIST MeasuringList)
(inList ?M ?LIST))
(instance ?M Measuring)) |
Weather.kif 1698-1702 |
(instance ?O Odometer)
(instance ?V Vehicle)
(part ?O ?V)
(instance ?T Translocation)
(instrument ?T ?V)
(path ?T ?P)
(MeasureFn ?D ?U) ?P)
(instance ?U LengthMeasure))
(hasPurpose ?O
(exists (?M ?L ?DIST ?U)
(instance ?M Measuring)
(instrument ?M ?O)
(measurementReading ?O ?DIST)
(inList ?D ?L)
(EndFn ?M))
(equal ?DIST
(ListSumFn ?L) ?U))
(attribute ?O ResetMeasuringDevice)))))))) |
Cars.kif 2970-2996 |
(locationMeasuringList ?LIST ?PLACE)
(inList ?M ?LIST))
(instance ?M Measuring)
(eventLocated ?M ?PLACE))) |
Weather.kif 1751-1757 |
(instance ?AC AlarmClock)
(hasPurpose ?AC
(exists (?TIME ?M ?Q)
(instance ?M Measuring)
(agent ?M ?AC)
(result ?M ?Q)
(equal ?Q ?TIME)
(WhenFn ?M)
(exists (?S)
(instance ?S RadiatingSound)
(agent ?S ?AC)))))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 25883-25897 |
(instance ?DEVICE MeasuringDevice)
(hasPurpose ?DEVICE
(exists (?MEASURE)
(instance ?MEASURE Measuring)
(instrument ?MEASURE ?DEVICE))))) |
Merge.kif 16074-16080 |
(instance ?FG FeelerGauge)
(hasPurpose ?FG
(exists (?TP ?M)
(instance ?M Measuring)
(instance ?TP TactilePerception)
(subProcess ?TP ?M)
(instrument ?M ?FG))))) |
Cars.kif 2780-2788 |
(instance ?H Hydrometer)
(hasPurpose ?H
(exists (?M ?S)
(instance ?M Measuring)
(instance ?S Substance)
(attribute ?S Liquid)
(patient ?M ?S)
(instrument ?M ?H))))) |
Cars.kif 3110-3119 |
(instance ?MAS MassAirflowSensor)
(hasPurpose ?MAS
(exists (?T ?M ?A)
(instance ?T Transfer)
(instance ?A Air)
(patient ?T ?A)
(instance ?M Measuring)
(patient ?M ?A)
(instrument ?M ?MAS))))) |
Cars.kif 3364-3374 |
(instance ?OS OxygenSensor)
(hasPurpose ?OS
(exists (?O ?M)
(instance ?O Oxygen)
(instance ?M Measuring)
(patient ?M ?O)
(instrument ?M ?OS))))) |
Cars.kif 3401-3409 |
(instance ?PO PulseOximeter)
(hasPurpose ?PO
(exists (?M ?A ?P)
(instance ?M Measuring)
(instrument ?M ?PO)
(agent ?M ?A)
(patient ?M ?P)
(instance ?PO PulseOximeter))))) |
Medicine.kif 1259-1268 |
(instance ?R RTPCRTest)
(hasPurpose ?R
(exists (?M ?A ?T ?MEAS)
(instance ?M Measuring)
(patient ?M ?RNA)
(instance ?RNA RNAMolecule)
(holdsDuring ?T
(measure ?RNA ?MEAS))
(knows ?A
(holdsDuring ?T
(measure ?RNA ?MEAS))))))) |
Medicine.kif 1563-1575 |
(instance ?S Speedometer)
(hasPurpose ?S
(exists (?V ?T ?SPEED ?DIST ?TIME ?M)
(instance ?V Vehicle)
(part ?S ?V)
(instance ?T Translocation)
(instrument ?T ?V)
(measure ?T ?SPEED)
(equal ?SPEED
(SpeedFn ?DIST ?TIME))
(instance ?M Measuring)
(instrument ?M ?S)
(measurementReading ?M ?SPEED))))) |
Cars.kif 3018-3032 |
- If a physical is an instance of speedometer,
- then the physical has the purpose there exist an entity, another entity,, , the physicalPEED,, , a fourth entity,, , the other entityIME and a sixth entity such that the entity is an instance of vehicle and the physical is a part of the entity and the other entity is an instance of translocation and the entity is an instrument for the other entity and the measure of the other entity is the physicalPEED and the physicalPEED is equal to the fourth entity per the other entityIME and the sixth entity is an instance of measuring and the physical is an instrument for the sixth entity and the physicalPEED is a measurement reading of the sixth entity
(instance ?T Tachometer)
(hasPurpose ?T
(exists (?R ?M ?O)
(instance ?R Rotating)
(patient ?R ?O)
(instance ?M Measuring)
(instrument ?M ?T)
(patient ?M ?O))))) |
Cars.kif 4080-4089 |