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Sigma KEE - May

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation May ChineseLanguage "这是所有五月 MonthClass。") chinese_format.kif 2799-2799
(documentation May EnglishLanguage "The Class of all Months which are May.") Merge.kif 9152-9152
(documentation May JapaneseLanguage "5月のすべての MonthClass。") japanese_format.kif 1540-1540
(externalImage May "") pictureList.kif 4929-4929
(subclass May Month) Merge.kif 9150-9150 May is a subclass of month
(successorClass May June) Merge.kif 9064-9064 June is the successor class of May.

appearance as argument number 2

(successorClass April May) Merge.kif 9063-9063 May is the successor class of April.
(termFormat ChineseLanguage May "五月") chinese_format.kif 1281-1281 May is the successor class of April.
(termFormat EnglishLanguage May "May") english_format.kif 1779-1779 May is the successor class of April.
(termFormat FrenchLanguage May "Mai") french_format.kif 959-959 May is the successor class of April.
(termFormat Hindi May "maI") terms-hindi.txt 494-494 May is the successor class of April.
(termFormat ItalianLanguage May "Maggio") terms-it.txt 498-498 May is the successor class of April.
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage May "5月") japanese_format.kif 2643-2643 May is the successor class of April.
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage May "Maio") portuguese_format.kif 911-911 May is the successor class of April.
(termFormat cb May "mayo") terms-cb.txt 500-500 May is the successor class of April.
(termFormat cz May "may") terms-cz.txt 534-534 May is the successor class of April.
(termFormat ro May "mai") relations-ro.kif 980-980 May is the successor class of April.
(termFormat tg May "Mayo") terms-tg.txt 499-499 May is the successor class of April.


        (instance ?MONTH1
            (MonthFn April ?YEAR))
        (instance ?MONTH2
            (MonthFn May ?YEAR)))
    (meetsTemporally ?MONTH1 ?MONTH2))
Merge.kif 9144-9148
        (instance ?MONTH1
            (MonthFn May ?YEAR))
        (instance ?MONTH2
            (MonthFn June ?YEAR)))
    (meetsTemporally ?MONTH1 ?MONTH2))
Merge.kif 9158-9162
    (instance ?MONTH May)
    (duration ?MONTH
        (MeasureFn 31 DayDuration)))
Merge.kif 9154-9156


        (instance ?D EasterSunday)
        (temporalPart ?D ?M)
        (instance ?M Month))
        (instance ?M March)
        (instance ?M April)
        (instance ?M May)))
Media.kif 498-506


(dateEstablished AndeanCommunityOfNations
    (DayFn 26
        (MonthFn May
            (YearFn 1969))))
Government.kif 2760-2760 The day 26 is a date established of andean community of nations
(dateEstablished ArabFundForEconomicAndSocialDevelopment
    (DayFn 16
        (MonthFn May
            (YearFn 1968))))
Government.kif 2788-2788 The day 16 is a date established of arab fund for economic and social development
(dateEstablished ColomboPlan
    (MonthFn May
        (YearFn 1950)))
Government.kif 2936-2936 The month May is a date established of colombo plan
(dateEstablished CouncilOfEurope
    (DayFn 5
        (MonthFn May
            (YearFn 1949))))
Government.kif 2989-2989 The day 5 is a date established of council of europe
(dateEstablished CouncilOfTheEntente
    (DayFn 29
        (MonthFn May
            (YearFn 1959))))
Government.kif 3009-3009 The day 29 is a date established of council of the entente
(dateEstablished EconomicCommunityOfWestAfricanStates
    (DayFn 28
        (MonthFn May
            (YearFn 1975))))
Government.kif 3104-3104 The day 28 is a date established of economic community of west african states
(dateEstablished EuropeanSpaceAgency
    (DayFn 31
        (MonthFn May
            (YearFn 1975))))
Government.kif 3211-3211 The day 31 is a date established of european space agency
(dateEstablished GroupOf6
    (DayFn 22
        (MonthFn May
            (YearFn 1985))))
Government.kif 3255-3255 The day 22 is a date established of group of6
(dateEstablished GulfCooperationCouncil
    (DayFn 25
        (MonthFn May
            (YearFn 1981))))
Government.kif 3331-3331 The day 25 is a date established of gulf cooperation council
(dateEstablished InternationalCriminalTribunalForTheFormerYugoslavia
    (DayFn 25
        (MonthFn May
            (YearFn 1993))))
Government.kif 4171-4171 The day 25 is a date established of international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia
(dateEstablished InternationalFederationOfRedCrossAndRedCrescentSocieties
    (DayFn 5
        (MonthFn May
            (YearFn 1919))))
Government.kif 3472-3472 The day 5 is a date established of international federation of red cross and red crescent societies
(dateEstablished InternationalFinanceCorporation
    (DayFn 25
        (MonthFn May
            (YearFn 1955))))
Government.kif 3478-3478 The day 25 is a date established of international finance corporation
(dateEstablished InternationalTelecommunicationUnion
    (DayFn 17
        (MonthFn May
            (YearFn 1865))))
Government.kif 3574-3574 The day 17 is a date established of international telecommunication union
(dateEstablished OrganizationOfAfricanUnity
    (DayFn 25
        (MonthFn May
            (YearFn 1963))))
Government.kif 3699-3699 The day 25 is a date established of organization of african unity
(dateEstablished UnitedNationsDisengagementObserverForce
    (DayFn 31
        (MonthFn May
            (YearFn 1974))))
Government.kif 3880-3880 The day 31 is a date established of united nations disengagement observer force
(dateEstablished WarsawPact
    (DayFn 14
        (MonthFn May
            (YearFn 1955))))
Government.kif 4248-4248 The day 14 is a date established of warsaw pact
(equal SpringSeason
    (RecurrentTimeIntervalFn March May))
Geography.kif 1664-1664 Spring season is equal to the recurring period from March to May

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