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Sigma KEE - ListOrderFn

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ListOrderFn ChineseLanguage "(ListOrderFn ?LIST ?NUMBER) 表示在 ?LIST List 第?NUMBER个位置的项目。例如: (ListOrderFn (ListFn Monday Tuesday Wednesday) 2) 交出的值会是 Tuesday。") chinese_format.kif 1964-1966
(documentation ListOrderFn EnglishLanguage "(ListOrderFn ?LIST ?NUMBER) denotes the item that is in the ?NUMBER position in the List ?LIST. For example, (ListOrderFn (ListFn Monday Tuesday Wednesday) 2) would return the value Tuesday.") Merge.kif 2982-2985
(documentation ListOrderFn JapaneseLanguage "(ListOrderFn ?LIST ?NUMBER) は、List ?LIST の?NUMBER の位置にある項目を示す。例:(ListFn Monday Tuesday Wednesday) 2) は、 Tuesday の値を返す。") japanese_format.kif 596-598
(domain ListOrderFn 1 List) Merge.kif 2978-2978 The number 1 argument of list order is an instance of list
(domain ListOrderFn 2 PositiveInteger) Merge.kif 2979-2979 The number 2 argument of list order is an instance of positive integer
(instance ListOrderFn BinaryFunction) Merge.kif 2976-2976 List order is an instance of binary function
(instance ListOrderFn PartialValuedRelation) Merge.kif 2977-2977 List order is an instance of partial valued relation
(range ListOrderFn Entity) Merge.kif 2980-2980 The range of list order is an instance of entity

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage ListOrderFn "%1 的第 %2 几个元素") chinese_format.kif 263-263
(format EnglishLanguage ListOrderFn "%2th element of %1") english_format.kif 268-268
(format FrenchLanguage ListOrderFn "%2th �lement de %1") french_format.kif 150-150
(format ItalianLanguage ListOrderFn "%2th elemento di %1") relations-it.txt 169-169
(format JapaneseLanguage ListOrderFn "%1 の %2th element") japanese_format.kif 1978-1978
(format PortugueseLanguage ListOrderFn "%2th elemento de %1") portuguese_format.kif 102-102
(format cz ListOrderFn "%2th element of %1") relations-cz.txt 159-159
(format de ListOrderFn "%2te mitglied von %1") relations-de.txt 338-338
(format hi ListOrderFn "%1 kaa ghaTaka sankhyaa %2") relations-hindi.txt 207-207
(format ro ListOrderFn "%2th element%t{element} al lui %1") relations-ro.kif 169-169
(format sv ListOrderFn "%2:a elementet i %1") relations-sv.txt 156-156
(format tg ListOrderFn "%2th elemento ng %1") relations-tg.txt 337-337
(termFormat ChineseLanguage ListOrderFn "找出表列顺序的函数") chinese_format.kif 264-264
(termFormat ChineseLanguage ListOrderFn "清单顺序") domainEnglishFormat.kif 34726-34726
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage ListOrderFn "清單順序") domainEnglishFormat.kif 34725-34725
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ListOrderFn "list order") domainEnglishFormat.kif 34724-34724
(termFormat de ListOrderFn "ListeOrdnungFn") terms-de.txt 108-108
(termFormat tg ListOrderFn "tungkulin ng talaan utos1") relations-tg.txt 338-338


        (contraryAttribute @ROW)
        (equal ?ATTR1
                (ListFn @ROW) ?NUMBER1))
        (equal ?ATTR2
                (ListFn @ROW) ?NUMBER2))
            (equal ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2))
        (property ?OBJ ?ATTR1))
        (property ?OBJ ?ATTR2)))
Merge.kif 476-484
        (defaultMaxValue ?REL ?ARG ?N)
        (?REL @ARGS)
        (equal ?VAL
                (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG)))
        (greaterThan ?N ?VAL) Likely))
Merge.kif 18525-18530
        (defaultMinValue ?REL ?ARG ?N)
        (?REL @ARGS)
        (equal ?VAL
                (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG)))
        (greaterThan ?VAL ?N) Likely))
Merge.kif 18508-18513
        (defaultValue ?REL ?ARG ?N)
        (?REL @ARGS)
        (equal ?VAL
                (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG)))
        (equal ?N ?VAL) Likely))
Merge.kif 18542-18547
            (ListLengthFn ?LIST) ?NUMBER)
            (ListOrderFn ?LIST ?NUMBER) ?ITEM))
        (LastFn ?LIST) ?ITEM))
Merge.kif 3220-3224
        (equal ?NLIST
            (PhysicalQuantityToNumberFn ?QLIST))
        (equal ?QUANT
            (ListOrderFn ?QLIST ?N))
        (equal ?NUM
            (ListOrderFn ?NLIST ?N)))
        (MeasureFn ?NUM ?UNIT) ?QUANT))
Weather.kif 1821-1828
        (exactCardinality ?REL ?ARG 1)
        (instance ?REL Predicate)
        (?REL @ARGS)
        (equal ?X
                (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG))
        (equal ?Y
                (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG)))
    (equal ?X ?Y))
Media.kif 2106-2113
        (exactCardinality ?REL ?ARG 1)
        (instance ?REL Predicate)
        (?REL @ARGS)
        (equal ?X
                (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG)))
        (exists (?Y)
                (equal ?Y
                        (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG))
                    (equal ?X ?Y))))))
Media.kif 2093-2103
            (LatitudeFn ?DIRECTION @ROW) Region)
                (ListFn @ROW) 1)
            (MeasureFn ?NUM AngularDegree)))
    (lessThanOrEqualTo ?NUM 90.0))
Geography.kif 427-431
            (LongitudeFn ?DIRECTION @ROW) Region)
                (ListFn @ROW) 1)
            (MeasureFn ?NUM AngularDegree)))
    (lessThanOrEqualTo ?NUM 180.0))
Geography.kif 467-474
        (instance ?LIST ConsecutiveTimeIntervalList)
        (equal ?T1
            (ListOrderFn ?LIST ?N))
        (equal ?T2
            (ListOrderFn ?LIST
                (AdditionFn ?N 1))))
        (BeginFn ?T2)
        (EndFn ?T1)))
Weather.kif 1918-1927
        (measuringResult ?MLIST ?RLIST)
        (equal ?M
            (ListOrderFn ?MLIST ?N))
        (equal ?R
            (ListOrderFn ?RLIST ?N)))
    (result ?M ?R))
Weather.kif 1789-1794
        (processList @ROW)
        (inList ?Process1
            (ListFn @ROW))
        (inList ?Process2
            (ListFn @ROW))
                (ListFn @ROW) ?Number1) ?Process1)
                (ListFn @ROW) ?Number2) ?Process2)
        (lessThan ?Number1 ?Number2))
        (WhenFn ?Process1)
        (WhenFn ?Process2)))
QoSontology.kif 800-816
        (viewedItemList ?USER ?LIST)
        (instance ?ACCESSING1 AccessingWebPage)
        (instance ?ACCESSING2 AccessingWebPage)
        (agent ?ACCESSING1 ?USER)
        (agent ?ACCESSING2 ?USER)
        (instance ?INDEX1 PositiveInteger)
        (instance ?INDEX2 PositiveInteger)
            (ListOrderFn ?LIST ?INDEX1) ?ACCESSING1)
            (ListOrderFn ?LIST ?INDEX2) ?ACCESSING2)
        (greaterThan ?INDEX1 ?INDEX2))
        (WhenFn ?ACCESSING2)
        (WhenFn ?ACCESSING1)))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 799-817


    (average ?LIST1 ?AVERAGE)
    (exists (?LIST2 ?LASTPLACE)
                (ListLengthFn ?LIST2)
                (ListLengthFn ?LIST1))
                (ListOrderFn ?LIST2 1)
                (ListOrderFn ?LIST1 1))
            (forall (?ITEMFROM2)
                    (inList ?ITEMFROM2 ?LIST2)
                            (greaterThan ?POSITION 1)
                            (lessThanOrEqualTo ?POSITION
                                (ListLengthFn ?LIST2))
                                (ListOrderFn ?LIST2 ?ITEMFROM2) ?POSITION)
                            (inList ?ITEMFROM1 ?LIST1)
                            (equal ?POSITION
                                (ListOrderFn ?LIST1 ?ITEMFROM1))
                            (inList ?PRIORFROM2 ?LIST2)
                            (equal ?POSITIONMINUSONE
                                (SubtractionFn ?POSITION 1))
                            (equal ?POSITIONMINUSONE
                                (ListOrderFn ?LIST2 ?PRIORFROM2))
                            (equal ?ITEMFROM2
                                (AdditionFn ?ITEMFROM1 ?PRIORFROM2))))))
            (equal ?LASTPLACE
                (ListLengthFn ?LIST2))
            (equal ?AVERAGE
                    (ListOrderFn ?LIST2 ?LASTPLACE) ?LASTPLACE)))))
People.kif 272-293 A real number is an average of a list if and only if there exist another list and a positive integer such that length of the other list is equal to length of the list and 1th element of the other list is equal to 1th element of the list and for all another positive integer and the positive integer is equal to length of the other list and the real number is equal to the positive integerth element of the other list and the positive integer
        (domain ?REL ?NUMBER ?CLASS)
        (instance ?REL Predicate)
        (?REL @ROW))
            (ListFn @ROW) ?NUMBER) ?CLASS))
Merge.kif 2999-3004
        (domainSubclass ?REL ?NUMBER ?CLASS)
        (instance ?REL Predicate)
        (?REL @ROW))
            (ListFn @ROW) ?NUMBER) ?CLASS))
Merge.kif 3006-3011
        (equal ?A
            (ListSumFn ?L))
        (equal 1
            (ListLengthFn ?L)))
    (equal ?A
        (ListOrderFn ?L 1)))
Merge.kif 3253-3257
        (equal ?LIST1 ?LIST2)
        (equal ?LIST1
            (ListFn @ROW1))
        (equal ?LIST2
            (ListFn @ROW2)))
            (ListFn @ROW1) ?NUMBER)
            (ListFn @ROW2) ?NUMBER)))
Merge.kif 295-302
        (equal ?LIST3
            (ListConcatenateFn ?LIST1 ?LIST2))
            (equal ?LIST1 NullList))
            (equal ?LIST2 NullList))
        (lessThanOrEqualTo ?NUMBER1
            (ListLengthFn ?LIST1))
        (lessThanOrEqualTo ?NUMBER2
            (ListLengthFn ?LIST2))
        (instance ?NUMBER1 PositiveInteger)
        (instance ?NUMBER2 PositiveInteger))
            (ListOrderFn ?LIST3 ?NUMBER1)
            (ListOrderFn ?LIST1 ?NUMBER1))
            (ListOrderFn ?LIST3
                    (ListLengthFn ?LIST1) ?NUMBER2))
            (ListOrderFn ?LIST2 ?NUMBER2))))
Merge.kif 3084-3103
        (equal ?R
            (SubListFn ?S ?E ?L))
            (SubtractionFn ?E ?S) 1))
    (equal ?R
            (ListOrderFn ?L ?S))))
Merge.kif 3180-3189
        (equal ?R
            (SubListFn ?S ?E ?L))
            (SubtractionFn ?E ?S) 1))
    (equal ?R
                (ListOrderFn ?L ?S))
                (AdditionFn 1 ?S) ?E ?L))))
Merge.kif 3191-3203
        (equal ?VA
            (VarianceAverageFn ?M ?L))
        (equal 1
            (ListLengthFn ?L)))
    (equal ?VA
            (SubtractionFn ?M
                (ListOrderFn ?L 1))
            (SubtractionFn ?M
                (ListOrderFn ?L 1)))))
Weather.kif 1470-1481
        (equal ?VA
            (VarianceAverageFn ?M ?L))
            (ListLengthFn ?L) 1))
    (equal ?VA
            (VarianceAverageFn ?M
                (ListOrderFn ?L 1))
            (VarianceAverageFn ?M
                (SubListFn 2
                    (ListLengthFn ?L) ?L)))))
Weather.kif 1437-1449
        (exactCardinality ?REL ?ARG 1)
        (instance ?REL Predicate)
        (?REL @ARGS)
        (equal ?X
                (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG)))
        (exists (?Y)
                (equal ?Y
                        (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG))
                    (equal ?X ?Y))))))
Media.kif 2093-2103
        (exactCardinality ?REL ?ARG 1)
        (instance ?REL Predicate))
    (exists (?X @ARGS)
            (?REL @ARGS)
            (equal ?X
                    (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG))
                (exists (?Y)
                        (equal ?Y
                                (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG))
                            (equal ?X ?Y))))))))
Media.kif 2075-2090
        (exactCardinality ?REL ?ARG ?COUNT)
        (instance ?REL Predicate))
    (exists (?S ?EL @ARGS)
            (instance ?S SetOrClass)
                    (?REL @ARGS)
                    (equal ?EL
                            (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG)))
                    (instance ?EL ?S)
                        (CardinalityFn ?S) ?COUNT))))))
Media.kif 2137-2150
        (instance ?LIST List)
            (equal ?LIST NullList)))
        (FirstFn ?LIST)
        (ListOrderFn ?LIST 1)))
Merge.kif 3233-3238
        (instance ?SEO SEO)
        (patient ?SEO ?PAGE))
    (hasPurpose ?SEO
                (instance ?SRPRESULT_BEFORE SRPResults)
                (instance ?SRPRESULT_AFTER SRPResults)
                (equal ?PAGE
                    (ListOrderFn ?SRPRESULT_BEFORE ?BEFORE))
                (equal ?PAGE
                    (ListOrderFn ?SRPRESULT_AFTER ?AFTER))
                (instance ?BM1 BestMatchAlgorithm)
                (instance ?BM2 BestMatchAlgorithm)
                    (WhenFn ?BM1)
                    (WhenFn ?BM2))
                    (WhenFn ?SEO)
                    (WhenFn ?BM2))
                    (WhenFn ?BM1)
                    (WhenFn ?SEO))
                (greaterThan ?BEFORE ?AFTER)))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2388-2404
        (maxCardinality ?REL ?ARG ?COUNT)
        (instance ?REL Predicate))
    (exists (?S ?EL @ARGS)
            (instance ?S SetOrClass)
                    (?REL @ARGS)
                    (equal ?EL
                            (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG)))
                    (instance ?EL ?S)
                        (CardinalityFn ?S) ?COUNT))))))
Media.kif 2210-2223
        (minCardinality ?REL ?ARG ?COUNT)
        (instance ?REL Predicate))
    (exists (?S ?EL @ARGS)
            (instance ?S SetOrClass)
                    (?REL @ARGS)
                    (equal ?EL
                            (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG)))
                    (instance ?EL ?S)
                        (CardinalityFn ?S) ?COUNT))))))
Media.kif 2174-2187
        (LastFn ?LIST) ?ITEM)
    (exists (?NUMBER)
                (ListLengthFn ?LIST) ?NUMBER)
                (ListOrderFn ?LIST ?NUMBER) ?ITEM))))
Merge.kif 3213-3218
    (exactCardinality ?REL ?ARG ?COUNT)
    (exists (?EL @ARGS)
                (KappaFn ?EL
                        (?REL @ARGS)
                        (equal ?EL
                                (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG))))) ?COUNT)))
Media.kif 2125-2134
    (exhaustiveAttribute ?ATTRCLASS @ROW)
        (exists (?EL)
                (instance ?EL ?ATTRCLASS)
                    (exists (?ATTR ?NUMBER)
                            (equal ?EL ?ATTR)
                            (equal ?ATTR
                                    (ListFn @ROW) ?NUMBER)))))))))
Merge.kif 519-531
    (inList ?ITEM ?LIST)
    (exists (?NUMBER)
            (ListOrderFn ?LIST ?NUMBER) ?ITEM)))
Merge.kif 3114-3117
    (instance ?LIST UniqueList)
    (forall (?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2)
                (ListOrderFn ?LIST ?NUMBER1)
                (ListOrderFn ?LIST ?NUMBER2))
            (equal ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2))))
Merge.kif 2911-2916
    (maxCardinality ?REL ?ARG ?COUNT)
    (exists (?EL @ARGS)
                (KappaFn ?EL
                        (?REL @ARGS)
                        (equal ?EL
                                (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG))))) ?COUNT)))
Media.kif 2198-2207
    (minCardinality ?REL ?ARG ?COUNT)
    (exists (?EL @ARGS)
                (KappaFn ?EL
                        (?REL @ARGS)
                        (equal ?EL
                                (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG))))) ?COUNT)))
Media.kif 2161-2170


(forall (@ROW ?ITEM)
            (ListFn @ROW ?ITEM)
                (ListFn @ROW ?ITEM))) ?ITEM))
Merge.kif 3043-3047 For all @ROW and another entity length of (@ROW and the other entity)th element of (@ROW and the other entity) is equal to the other entity

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