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Sigma KEE - KyrgyzstaniSom
KyrgyzstaniSom(kyrgyzstani som)
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appearance as argument number 1

(externalImage KyrgyzstaniSom " 0/ 0e/ KyrgyzstanP21-100Som-2002_b.jpg") pictureList.kif 3929-3929
(externalImage KyrgyzstaniSom " 4/ 4b/ KyrgyzstanP23-500Som-2005_b.jpg") pictureList.kif 3927-3927
(externalImage KyrgyzstaniSom " 6/ 6c/ KyrgyzstanP23-500Som-2005_a.jpg") pictureList.kif 3926-3926
(externalImage KyrgyzstaniSom " 8/ 83/ KyrgyzstanP18-1000Som-2000_b.jpg") pictureList.kif 3925-3925
(externalImage KyrgyzstaniSom " 9/ 97/ 100_Som_notes.JPG") pictureList.kif 3922-3922
(externalImage KyrgyzstaniSom " a/ ad/ KyrgyzstanP18-1000Som-2000_a.jpg") pictureList.kif 3924-3924
(externalImage KyrgyzstaniSom " d/ d4/ KyrgyzstanP21-100Som-2002_a.jpg") pictureList.kif 3928-3928
(externalImage KyrgyzstaniSom " e/ e0/ KyrgyzstanP15-1Som-1999%282000%29_b.jpg") pictureList.kif 3923-3923
(externalImage KyrgyzstaniSom " e/ e6/ KyrgyzstanP15-1Som-1999%282000%29_a.jpg") pictureList.kif 3724-3724
(instance KyrgyzstaniSom UnitOfCurrency) Economy.kif 3374-3374 Kyrgyzstani som is an instance of unit of currency

appearance as argument number 2

(currencyType Kyrgyzstan KyrgyzstaniSom) Economy.kif 3376-3376 Kyrgyzstani som is a currency type of kyrgyzstan
(termFormat ChineseLanguage KyrgyzstaniSom "吉尔吉斯斯坦索姆") domainEnglishFormat.kif 33006-33006 Kyrgyzstani som is a currency type of kyrgyzstan
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage KyrgyzstaniSom "吉爾吉斯斯坦索姆") domainEnglishFormat.kif 33005-33005 Kyrgyzstani som is a currency type of kyrgyzstan
(termFormat EnglishLanguage KyrgyzstaniSom "kyrgyzstani som") domainEnglishFormat.kif 33004-33004 Kyrgyzstani som is a currency type of kyrgyzstan

appearance as argument number 3

(codeMapping ISO-4217-A "KGS" KyrgyzstaniSom) Media.kif 2401-2401 "KGS" in ISO-4217-A denotes kyrgyzstani som

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