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Sigma KEE - InternalAttribute
InternalAttribute(internal attribute)
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architecture, computer_architecture, repair, resistance, roots, sanitary_condition, structure, tautness, tenseness, tension, tensity

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation InternalAttribute ChineseLanguage "这是 EntityAttribute,任何属于 Entity 内在的特质,如它的形状、颜色和脆弱的程度等。") chinese_format.kif 1721-1722
(documentation InternalAttribute EnglishLanguage "Any Attribute of an Entity that is an internal property of the Entity, e.g. its shape, its color, its fragility, etc.") Merge.kif 1806-1808
(documentation InternalAttribute JapaneseLanguage "Entity の内部プロパティである Entity の任意の Attribute 。 例:その形状、その色、その脆弱性など。") japanese_format.kif 328-329
(externalImage InternalAttribute " commons/ 0/ 01/ Pentagon_satellite_image.jpg") pictureList.kif 11237-11237
(externalImage InternalAttribute " commons/ 1/ 12/ SpinnakerStaircase.JPG") pictureList.kif 11236-11236
(externalImage InternalAttribute " commons/ 4/ 42/") pictureList.kif 11241-11241
(externalImage InternalAttribute " commons/ 5/ 5c/ Haselburg_Glas.jpg") pictureList.kif 11240-11240
(externalImage InternalAttribute " commons/ 6/ 67/ Broken_glass.jpg") pictureList.kif 11239-11239
(externalImage InternalAttribute " commons/ b/ b2/ Grunnformer.png") pictureList.kif 10071-10071
(externalImage InternalAttribute " commons/ b/ bb/ Newsome_001.jpg") pictureList.kif 11243-11243
(externalImage InternalAttribute " commons/ f/ fe/ Yde_02.JPG") pictureList.kif 11242-11242
(subclass InternalAttribute Attribute) Merge.kif 1804-1804 Internal attribute is a subclass of attribute

appearance as argument number 2

(instance AcidicPH InternalAttribute) Food.kif 2799-2799 Acidic pH is an instance of internal attribute
(instance Agnostic InternalAttribute) People.kif 699-699 Agnostic is an instance of internal attribute
(instance Atheist InternalAttribute) People.kif 717-717 Atheist is an instance of internal attribute
(instance ChemicalEquilibrium InternalAttribute) Mid-level-ontology.kif 19884-19884 Chemical equilibrium is an instance of internal attribute
(instance Deist InternalAttribute) People.kif 737-737 Deist is an instance of internal attribute
(instance DeviceDamaged InternalAttribute) Mid-level-ontology.kif 29721-29721 Device damaged is an instance of internal attribute
(instance DeviceNormal InternalAttribute) Mid-level-ontology.kif 29696-29696 Device normal is an instance of internal attribute
(instance Fluid InternalAttribute) Merge.kif 17668-17668 Fluid is an instance of internal attribute
(instance Immiscible InternalAttribute) Mid-level-ontology.kif 21864-21864 Immiscible is an instance of internal attribute
(instance Miscible InternalAttribute) Mid-level-ontology.kif 21853-21853 Miscible is an instance of internal attribute
(instance NonDenominationalIndividual InternalAttribute) People.kif 724-724 Non denominational individual is an instance of internal attribute
(instance Pliable InternalAttribute) Merge.kif 17821-17821 Pliable is an instance of internal attribute
(instance Rigid InternalAttribute) Merge.kif 17834-17834 Rigid is an instance of internal attribute
(instance Vacuum InternalAttribute) Cars.kif 363-363 Vacuum is an instance of internal attribute
(partition Attribute InternalAttribute RelationalAttribute) Merge.kif 1702-1702 Attribute is exhaustively partitioned into internal attribute and relational attribute
(range BeliefGroupMemberFn InternalAttribute) People.kif 674-674 The range of Belief group member fn is an instance of internal attribute
(subclass AlgebroDifferentialAttribute InternalAttribute) engineering.kif 229-229 Algebro differential attribute is a subclass of internal attribute
(subclass Autonomous InternalAttribute) engineering.kif 725-725 Autonomous is a subclass of internal attribute
(subclass Backlashless InternalAttribute) engineering.kif 711-711 Backlashless is a subclass of internal attribute
(subclass BiodiversityAttribute InternalAttribute) Geography.kif 2600-2600 Biodiversity attribute is a subclass of internal attribute
(subclass BiologicalAttribute InternalAttribute) Merge.kif 18102-18102 Biological attribute is a subclass of internal attribute
(subclass BreakabilityAttribute InternalAttribute) Mid-level-ontology.kif 19922-19922 Breakability attribute is a subclass of internal attribute
(subclass Brushless InternalAttribute) engineering.kif 715-715 Brushless is a subclass of internal attribute
(subclass DeviceStateAttribute InternalAttribute) Mid-level-ontology.kif 1853-1853 Device state attribute is a subclass of internal attribute
(subclass EquationAttribute InternalAttribute) engineering.kif 209-209 Equation attribute is a subclass of internal attribute

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