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Sigma KEE - InterfaceWindow
InterfaceWindow(interface window)window

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation InterfaceWindow EnglishLanguage "An InterfaceWindow is a GUIElement that covers a (normally rectangular region of a computer screen. Each window has an image which covers its whole area and a level of transparency. A region of the screen may be covered by one or more InterfaceWindows in a specified order with the ``top'' window visible, and those sequentially underneigth visible only to the extent that the window(s) above them are partially or wholely transparent. An interface window is ``active'' if the state of the GUI is such that user input is automatically set to it.") ComputerInput.kif 1076-1081
(subclass InterfaceWindow GUIElement) ComputerInput.kif 1075-1075 Interface window is a subclass of GUI element

appearance as argument number 2

(disjoint Cursor InterfaceWindow) ComputerInput.kif 1082-1082 Cursor is disjoint from interface window
(subclass PopupWindow InterfaceWindow) ComputerInput.kif 1084-1084 Popup window is a subclass of interface window
(termFormat EnglishLanguage InterfaceWindow "interface window") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65059-65059 Popup window is a subclass of interface window


        (hasGUEState ?WIN1 GUE_UncoveredState)
        (hasGUEState ?WIN1 GUE_MaximizedWindowState)
        (screenOfGUIE ?WIN1 ?SCREEN)
        (instance ?WIN2 InterfaceWindow)
        (screenOfGUIE ?WIN2 ?SCREEN)
            (equal ?WIN1 ?WIN2)))
        (hasGUEState ?WIN2 GUE_CoveredState)
        (hasGUEState ?WIN2 GUE_PartiallyCoveredState)
        (hasGUEState ?WIN2 GUE_OffscreenState)))
ComputerInput.kif 2120-2131
        (instance ?ACT BringingGEToFront)
        (patient ?ACT ?WINDOW)
        (instance ?WINDOW InterfaceWindow)
            (BeginFn ?ACT)
            (hasGUEState ?WINDOW ?STATE))
        (contraryAttribute ?STATE GUE_UncoveredState))
        (EndFn ?ACT)
            (hasGUEState ?WINDOW ?STATE))))
ComputerInput.kif 2332-2343
        (instance ?ACT BringingGEToFront)
        (patient ?ACT ?WINDOW)
        (instance ?WINDOW InterfaceWindow))
        (EndFn ?ACT)
        (hasGUEState ?WINDOW GUE_UncoveredState)))
ComputerInput.kif 2347-2354
        (instance ?GUIE1 GUIElement)
        (instance ?GUIE2 GUIElement)
            (instance ?GUIE1 InterfaceWindow))
            (instance ?GUIE2 InterfaceWindow))
        (screenOfGUIE ?GUIE1 ?SCREEN)
        (screenOfGUIE ?GUIE2 ?SCREEN)
        (hasGUEState ?GUIE1 GUE_ActiveState)
        (hasGUEState ?GUIE2 GUE_ActiveState))
        (properPart ?GUIE1 ?GUIE2)
        (properPart ?GUIE2 ?GUIE1)
        (equal ?GUIE1 ?GUIE2)))
ComputerInput.kif 1935-1948
        (instance ?OPEN MaximizingGraphicalWindow)
        (patient ?OPEN ?WINDOW)
        (instance ?WINDOW InterfaceWindow))
                (WhenFn ?OPEN))
            (hasGUEState ?WINDOW GUE_MaximizedWindowState))
                (WhenFn ?OPEN))
                (hasGUEState ?WINDOW GUE_MaximizedWindowState)))))
ComputerInput.kif 2469-2478
        (instance ?OPEN MinimizingGraphicalWindow)
        (patient ?OPEN ?WINDOW)
        (instance ?WINDOW InterfaceWindow))
                (WhenFn ?OPEN))
            (hasGUEState ?WINDOW GUE_MinimizedState))
                (WhenFn ?OPEN))
                (hasGUEState ?WINDOW GUE_MinimizedState)))))
ComputerInput.kif 2451-2460
        (instance ?OPEN ReopeningGraphicalWindow)
        (patient ?OPEN ?WINDOW)
        (instance ?WINDOW InterfaceWindow))
                (WhenFn ?OPEN))
            (hasGUEState ?WINDOW GUE_MinimizedState))
                (WhenFn ?OPEN))
                (hasGUEState ?WINDOW GUE_MinimizedState)))))
ComputerInput.kif 2389-2398
        (instance ?UNCOVER UncoveringGraphicalWindow)
        (patient ?UNCOVER ?WINDOW)
        (instance ?WINDOW InterfaceWindow)
        (properPart ?CURSOR ?WINDOW)
        (instance ?CURSOR Cursor))
    (guiElementUncovered ?UNCOVER ?WINDOW))
ComputerInput.kif 2423-2430
        (instance ?UNCOVER UncoveringGraphicalWindow)
        (patient ?UNCOVER ?WINDOW)
        (instance ?WINDOW InterfaceWindow))
    (guiElementUncovered ?UNCOVER ?WINDOW))
ComputerInput.kif 2416-2421
        (instance ?UNMAX UnmaximizingGraphicalWindow)
        (patient ?UNMAX ?WINDOW)
        (instance ?WINDOW InterfaceWindow))
                (WhenFn ?UNMAX))
            (hasGUEState ?WINDOW GUE_MaximizedWindowState))
                (WhenFn ?UNMAX))
                (hasGUEState ?WINDOW GUE_MaximizedWindowState)))))
ComputerInput.kif 2486-2495
        (instance ?WINDOW InterfaceWindow)
        (instance ?GUIE GUIElement)
        (screenOfGUIE ?WINDOW ?SCREEN)
        (screenOfGUIE ?GUIE ?SCREEN)
            (instance ?GUIE InterfaceWindow))
        (hasGUEState ?WINDOW GUE_ActiveState)
        (hasGUEState ?GUIE GUE_ActiveState))
    (properPart ?GUIE ?WINDOW))
ComputerInput.kif 1920-1929
        (instance ?WINDOW1 InterfaceWindow)
        (instance ?WINDOW2 InterfaceWindow)
        (screenOfGUIE ?WINDOW1 ?SCREEN)
        (screenOfGUIE ?WINDOW2 ?SCREEN)
        (hasGUEState ?WINDOW1 GUE_ActiveState)
        (hasGUEState ?WINDOW1 GUE_ActiveState))
    (equal ?WINDOW1 ?WINDOW2))
ComputerInput.kif 1896-1904
        (instance ?WINDOW_A InterfaceWindow)
        (instance ?WINDOW_P InterfaceWindow)
        (screenOfGUIE ?WINDOW_A ?SCREEN)
        (screenOfGUIE ?WINDOW_P ?SCREEN)
        (hasGUEState ?WINDOW_A GUE_ActiveState)
            (equal ?WINDOW_A ?WINDOW_P)))
    (hasGUEState ?WINDOW_P GUE_PassiveState))
ComputerInput.kif 1964-1972


        (instance ?CLOSE ClosingGraphicalWindow)
        (patient ?CLOSE ?WINDOW))
        (instance ?WINDOW InterfaceWindow)
        (time ?WINDOW
                (WhenFn ?OPEN)))
            (time ?WINDOW
                    (WhenFn ?OPEN))))))
ComputerInput.kif 2438-2445
        (instance ?OPEN OpeningGraphicalWindow)
        (patient ?OPEN ?WINDOW))
    (instance ?WINDOW InterfaceWindow))
ComputerInput.kif 2361-2365
    (hasGUEState ?GUIE GUE_MaximizedWindowState)
    (instance ?GUIE InterfaceWindow))
ComputerInput.kif 2051-2053
    (hasGUEState ?GUIE GUE_VerticallyMaximizedWindowState)
    (instance ?GUIE InterfaceWindow))
ComputerInput.kif 2065-2067
    (instance ?ACT WindowScrolling)
    (exists (?GUIE)
            (patient ?ACT ?GUIE)
            (instance ?GUIE InterfaceWindow))))
ComputerInput.kif 1776-1781
    (instance ?OPEN OpeningNewGraphicalWindow)
    (exists (?WINDOW)
            (patient ?OPEN ?WINDOW)
            (instance ?WINDOW InterfaceWindow)
            (time ?WINDOW
                    (WhenFn ?OPEN)))
                (time ?WINDOW
                        (WhenFn ?OPEN)))))))
ComputerInput.kif 2373-2380
    (instance ?SCROLL WindowScrollingByUser)
    (exists (?WINDOW)
            (patient ?SCROLL ?WINDOW)
            (instance ?WINDOW InterfaceWindow)
            (hasGUEState ?WINDOW GUE_ActiveState))))
ComputerInput.kif 1797-1803
    (instance ?UNCOVER UncoveringGraphicalWindow)
    (exists (?WINDOW)
            (patient ?UNCOVER ?WINDOW)
            (instance ?WINDOW InterfaceWindow))))
ComputerInput.kif 2407-2412