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Sigma KEE - Inserting
Inserting(inserting)epidural_injection, force, injection, inoculate, shove, squeeze, stuff, thread, thrust, transform, vesiculate, wedge

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Inserting ChineseLanguage "这是把一样东西 Putting 放进另外一样东西里。") chinese_format.kif 3039-3039
(documentation Inserting EnglishLanguage "Putting one thing inside of another thing.") Merge.kif 11468-11468
(documentation Inserting JapaneseLanguage "別のものの中に一つの物をPutting。") japanese_format.kif 1807-1807
(subclass Inserting Putting) Merge.kif 11466-11466 Inserting is a subclass of putting

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Catheterization Inserting) Medicine.kif 566-566 Catheterization is a subclass of inserting
(subclass Injecting Inserting) Merge.kif 11479-11479 Injecting is a subclass of inserting
(subclass Intubation Inserting) Medicine.kif 4119-4119 Intubation is a subclass of inserting
(subclass LoadingWeapon Inserting) Mid-level-ontology.kif 1361-1361 Loading weapon is a subclass of inserting
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Inserting "插入") domainEnglishFormat.kif 30252-30252 Loading weapon is a subclass of inserting
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Inserting "插入") domainEnglishFormat.kif 30251-30251 Loading weapon is a subclass of inserting
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Inserting "inserting") domainEnglishFormat.kif 30250-30250 Loading weapon is a subclass of inserting


        (instance ?INSERT Inserting)
        (patient ?INSERT ?OBJ1)
        (destination ?INSERT ?OBJ2))
                (WhenFn ?INSERT))
                (contains ?OBJ2 ?OBJ1)))
                (WhenFn ?INSERT))
            (contains ?OBJ2 ?OBJ1))))
Merge.kif 11470-11477


        (instance ?T Thoracentesis)
        (patient ?T ?H))
    (exists (?I ?O ?IN ?L ?C ?F)
            (instance ?I Inserting)
            (subProcess ?I ?T)
            (objectTransferred ?I ?N)
            (origin ?I ?O)
            (destination ?I ?IN)
            (instance ?N Needle)
            (attribute ?F Fluid)
            (objectTransferred ?T ?F)
            (destination ?F ?O)
            (instance ?L Lung)
            (instance ?C Chest)
            (part ?L ?H)
            (part ?C ?H)
            (origin ?T ?IN)
            (destination ?T ?O)
            (between ?L ?IN ?C)
            (orientation ?O ?H Outside))))
Medicine.kif 895-917
    (instance ?N Needle)
    (hasPurpose ?N
        (exists (?H ?TP ?F ?RI)
                (instance ?H Animal)
                (instance ?TP TherapeuticProcss)
                (attribute ?F Fluid)
                (patient ?TP ?H)
                (instrument ?TP ?N)
                    (instance ?RI Removing)
                    (instance ?RI Inserting))
                (subProcess ?RI ?TP)
                (objectTransferred ?RI ?F)))))
Medicine.kif 924-938
    (instance ?S Sandal)
    (exists (?H1 ?H2)
            (instance ?H1 HoleRegion)
            (hole ?H1 ?S)
            (instance ?H2 HoleRegion)
            (hole ?H2 ?S)
                (equal ?H1 ?H2))
            (hasPurpose ?H1
                (exists (?D ?F ?A ?I)
                        (instance ?D Dressing)
                        (instance ?F Foot)
                        (agent ?D ?A)
                        (part ?F ?A)
                        (subProcess ?I ?D)
                        (instance ?I Inserting)
                        (patient ?I ?F)
                        (destination ?I ?H1)))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 5206-5226
    (instance ?SPINE PlantSpinoseStructure)
        (exists (?I ?P ?A)
                (instance ?I Inserting)
                (instrument ?I ?SPINE)
                (instance ?A Animal)
                (patient ?I ?A)
                (causes ?I ?P)
                (instance ?P Pain)
                (experiencer ?P ?A))) Possibility))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 9805-9816

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