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Sigma KEE - Holiday
Holiday(holiday)11_November, All_Saints'_Day, All_Souls'_Day, Allhallows, Annunciation, Annunciation_Day, Ash_Wednesday, Columbus_Day, Day_of_Atonement, December_31, December_8, Decoration_Day, Discovery_Day, Ember_Day, Fast_of_Esther, Fast_of_Gedaliah, Fast_of_Tammuz, Fast_of_Tevet, Fast_of_the_Firstborn, Feast_of_Weeks, February_12, February_14, February_22, First_of_May, Fourth_of_July, Hallowmas, Hallowmass, High_Holiday, High_Holy_Day, Hogmanay, Immaculate_Conception, Independence_Day, January_1, January_19, Jewish_New_Year, July_4, Labor_Day, Lady_Day, Lee's_Birthday, Lincoln's_Birthday, March_17, March_19, March_2, March_25, Martin_Luther_King_Day, Martin_Luther_King_Jr's_Birthday, Martinmas, May_1, May_Day, Memorial_Day...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Holiday EnglishLanguage "Holiday is the class of time periods that are observed as holidays in a country, culture, or religion. Holidays may recur annually on the same date, or they may be moveable, for example, UnitedStatesThanksgivingDay falls on the last Thursday of each November.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 14876-14880
(subclass Holiday TimeInterval) Mid-level-ontology.kif 14875-14875 Holiday is a subclass of time interval

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass ChristianHoliday Holiday) Media.kif 264-264 Christian holiday is a subclass of holiday
(subclass EidAlFitr Holiday) ArabicCulture.kif 228-228 Eid al fitr is a subclass of holiday
(subclass FixedHoliday Holiday) Mid-level-ontology.kif 14882-14882 Fixed holiday is a subclass of holiday
(subclass JewishHoliday Holiday) Media.kif 276-276 Jewish holiday is a subclass of holiday
(subclass MoveableHoliday Holiday) Mid-level-ontology.kif 14887-14887 Moveable holiday is a subclass of holiday
(subclass USHoliday Holiday) Media.kif 288-288 US holiday is a subclass of holiday
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Holiday "假日") domainEnglishFormat.kif 28383-28383
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Holiday "假日") domainEnglishFormat.kif 28382-28382
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Holiday "holiday") domainEnglishFormat.kif 28381-28381

appearance as argument number 3

(domain observesHoliday 2 Holiday) Media.kif 239-239 The number 2 argument of observes holiday is an instance of holiday
(domainSubclass commemoratesDate 1 Holiday) Government.kif 567-567 The number 1 argument of commemorates date is a subclass of holiday
(domainSubclass nationalCelebration 2 Holiday) Government.kif 525-525 The number 2 argument of national celebration is a subclass of holiday
(domainSubclass nationalHoliday 2 Holiday) Government.kif 535-535 The number 2 argument of national holiday is a subclass of holiday


    (instance ?T1 Holiday)
    (exists (?A)
        (observesHoliday ?A ?T1)))
Media.kif 249-252


    (instance ?C HolidayCard)
    (exists (?H)
            (instance ?H Holiday)
            (refers ?C ?H))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 14902-14907

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