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Sigma KEE - HerbaceousPlant

appearance as argument number 1

(disjoint HerbaceousPlant WoodyPlant) Mid-level-ontology.kif 9575-9575 HerbaceousPlant is disjoint from WoodyPlant
(documentation HerbaceousPlant EnglishLanguage "HerbaceousPlants are vascular plants that have no woody stems above ground.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 9576-9577 HerbaceousPlant is disjoint from WoodyPlant
(subclass HerbaceousPlant FloweringPlant) Mid-level-ontology.kif 9574-9574 HerbaceousPlant is a subclass of flowering plant
(termFormat HerbaceousPlant ChineseLanguage "草本植物") Mid-level-ontology.kif 9579-9579 HerbaceousPlant is a subclass of flowering plant
(termFormat HerbaceousPlant ChineseTraditionalLanguage "草本植物") Mid-level-ontology.kif 9580-9580 HerbaceousPlant is a subclass of flowering plant
(termFormat HerbaceousPlant EnglishLanguage "herbaceous plant") Mid-level-ontology.kif 9578-9578 HerbaceousPlant is a subclass of flowering plant

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass AlfalfaPlant HerbaceousPlant) Economy.kif 4935-4935 Alfalfa plant is a subclass of HerbaceousPlant
(subclass CabbagePlant HerbaceousPlant) Economy.kif 4372-4372 Cabbage plant is a subclass of HerbaceousPlant
(subclass Chrysanthemum HerbaceousPlant) Economy.kif 4985-4985 Chrysanthemum is a subclass of HerbaceousPlant
(subclass CloverPlant HerbaceousPlant) Economy.kif 4949-4949 Clover plant is a subclass of HerbaceousPlant
(subclass CucumberPlant HerbaceousPlant) Economy.kif 4344-4344 Cucumber plant is a subclass of HerbaceousPlant
(subclass EggplantPlant HerbaceousPlant) Economy.kif 4398-4398 EggplantPlant is a subclass of HerbaceousPlant
(subclass Grass HerbaceousPlant) Mid-level-ontology.kif 9590-9590 Grass plant is a subclass of HerbaceousPlant
(subclass Orchid HerbaceousPlant) Economy.kif 4981-4981 Orchid is a subclass of HerbaceousPlant
(subclass Poppy HerbaceousPlant) Economy.kif 4975-4975 Poppy is a subclass of HerbaceousPlant
(subclass Sunflower HerbaceousPlant) Economy.kif 4621-4621 Sunflower is a subclass of HerbaceousPlant
(subclass Tobacco HerbaceousPlant) Mid-level-ontology.kif 9599-9599 Tobacco is a subclass of HerbaceousPlant


    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn Basil))
    (subclass ?P HerbaceousPlant))
Food.kif 2170-2172
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn ButternutSquash))
    (subclass ?P HerbaceousPlant))
Food.kif 2403-2405
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn Celery))
    (subclass ?P HerbaceousPlant))
Food.kif 2427-2429
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn Cilantro))
    (subclass ?P HerbaceousPlant))
Food.kif 2529-2531
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn Garlic))
    (subclass ?P HerbaceousPlant))
Food.kif 2584-2586
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn Mint))
    (subclass ?P HerbaceousPlant))
Food.kif 2672-2674
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn Mustard))
    (subclass ?P HerbaceousPlant))
Food.kif 2696-2698
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn Parsley))
    (subclass ?P HerbaceousPlant))
Food.kif 2733-2735
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn Scallion))
    (subclass ?P HerbaceousPlant))
Food.kif 3360-3362
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn Sesame))
    (subclass ?P HerbaceousPlant))
Food.kif 3397-3399
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn Strawberry))
    (subclass ?P HerbaceousPlant))
Food.kif 3483-3485

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