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Sigma KEE - HealthInsuranceCompany
HealthInsuranceCompany(health insurance company)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation HealthInsuranceCompany EnglishLanguage "A Business that insures Agents against health care costs for the payment of a premium or premiums.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 7374-7375
(subclass HealthInsuranceCompany InsuranceCompany) Mid-level-ontology.kif 7373-7373 Health insurance company is a subclass of insurance company

appearance as argument number 2

(instance Aetna HealthInsuranceCompany) Medicine.kif 5556-5556 Aetna is an instance of health insurance company
(instance AnthemInc HealthInsuranceCompany) Medicine.kif 5567-5567 Anthem Inc is an instance of health insurance company
(instance CIGNA HealthInsuranceCompany) Medicine.kif 5582-5582 CIGNA is an instance of health insurance company
(instance CVS HealthInsuranceCompany) Medicine.kif 5576-5576 CVS is an instance of health insurance company
(instance CenteneCorporation HealthInsuranceCompany) Medicine.kif 5570-5570 Centene Corporation is an instance of health insurance company
(instance HealthCareServiceCorporation HealthInsuranceCompany) Medicine.kif 5579-5579 Health Care Service Corporation is an instance of health insurance company
(instance Humana HealthInsuranceCompany) Medicine.kif 5573-5573 Humana is an instance of health insurance company
(instance IndependenceHealthGroup HealthInsuranceCompany) Medicine.kif 5588-5588 Independence Health Group is an instance of health insurance company
(instance KaiserFoundation HealthInsuranceCompany) Medicine.kif 5564-5564 Kaiser Foundation is an instance of health insurance company
(instance MolinaHealthcare HealthInsuranceCompany) Medicine.kif 5585-5585 Molina Healthcare is an instance of health insurance company
(instance UnitedHealth HealthInsuranceCompany) Medicine.kif 5561-5561 United Health is an instance of health insurance company
(termFormat EnglishLanguage HealthInsuranceCompany "health insurance company") domainEnglishFormat.kif 64996-64996 United Health is an instance of health insurance company


        (instance ?I HealthInsuranceCompany)
        (customer ?I ?C))
    (hasPurposeForAgent ?I
        (exists (?D ?P)
                    (instance ?D DiagnosticProcess)
                    (instance ?D TherapeuticProcess))
                (experiencer ?D ?C)
                (instance ?P Payment)
                (agent ?P ?I)
                (refers ?P ?D))) ?C))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 7377-7390

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