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Sigma KEE - GulfOfAden
GulfOfAden(gulf of aden)

appearance as argument number 1

(connected GulfOfAden ArabianSea) Geography.kif 5169-5169 Gulf of aden is connected to arabian sea
(externalImage GulfOfAden " 3/ 3c/ GulfOfAden1860.jpg") pictureList.kif 2473-2473 Gulf of aden is connected to arabian sea
(externalImage GulfOfAden " b/ b4/ Gulf_of_Aden.png") pictureList.kif 4709-4709 Gulf of aden is connected to arabian sea
(instance GulfOfAden Gulf) Geography.kif 5165-5165 Gulf of aden is an instance of gulf
(instance GulfOfAden SaltWaterArea) Geography.kif 5166-5166 Gulf of aden is an instance of salt water area

appearance as argument number 2

(connected RedSea GulfOfAden) Geography.kif 5168-5168 Red sea is connected to gulf of aden
(meetsSpatially Somalia GulfOfAden) Geography.kif 5171-5171 Somalia meets gulf of aden
(meetsSpatially Yemen GulfOfAden) Geography.kif 5170-5170 Yemen meets gulf of aden
(names "Gulf of Aden" GulfOfAden) Geography.kif 5167-5167 Gulf of aden has name "Gulf of Aden"
(termFormat ChineseLanguage GulfOfAden "腺嘌呤") domainEnglishFormat.kif 27083-27083 Gulf of aden has name "Gulf of Aden"
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage GulfOfAden "腺嘌呤") domainEnglishFormat.kif 27082-27082 Gulf of aden has name "Gulf of Aden"
(termFormat EnglishLanguage GulfOfAden "gulf of aden") domainEnglishFormat.kif 27081-27081 Gulf of aden has name "Gulf of Aden"

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