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Sigma KEE - GraphicalComputerMenu
GraphicalComputerMenu(graphical computer menu)

appearance as argument number 1

(disjoint GraphicalComputerMenu ComputerTouchscreenKeyboard) ComputerInput.kif 892-892 Graphical computer menu is disjoint from computer touchscreen keyboard
(disjoint GraphicalComputerMenu ComputerTouchscreenKeypad) ComputerInput.kif 891-891 Graphical computer menu is disjoint from computer touchscreen keypad
(documentation GraphicalComputerMenu EnglishLanguage "A GraphicalComputerMenu is a ComputerMenu that displays a user's options and permits the user to select one or more of the options in a graphical manner and usually using a keyboard as well.") ComputerInput.kif 888-890 Graphical computer menu is disjoint from computer touchscreen keypad
(partTypes GraphicalComputerMenu GraphicalMenuItem) ComputerInput.kif 1150-1150 Every graphical computer menu is a part of a graphical menu item
(subclass GraphicalComputerMenu ComputerMenu) ComputerInput.kif 885-885 Graphical computer menu is a subclass of computer menu
(subclass GraphicalComputerMenu GUIActiveArea) ComputerInput.kif 886-886 Graphical computer menu is a subclass of GUI active area
(subclass GraphicalComputerMenu UIElement) ComputerInput.kif 887-887 Graphical computer menu is a subclass of UI element

appearance as argument number 2

(partTypes GraphicalMenuItem GraphicalComputerMenu) ComputerInput.kif 1149-1149 Every graphical menu item is a part of a graphical computer menu
(subclass ComboListTextBox GraphicalComputerMenu) ComputerInput.kif 907-907 Combo list text box is a subclass of graphical computer menu
(subclass DropDownList GraphicalComputerMenu) ComputerInput.kif 901-901 Drop down list is a subclass of graphical computer menu
(subclass GraphicalSubMenu GraphicalComputerMenu) ComputerInput.kif 913-913 Graphical sub menu is a subclass of graphical computer menu
(subclass ListBox GraphicalComputerMenu) ComputerInput.kif 897-897 List box is a subclass of graphical computer menu
(termFormat EnglishLanguage GraphicalComputerMenu "graphical computer menu") domainEnglishFormat.kif 64975-64975 List box is a subclass of graphical computer menu


    (instance ?SUB GraphicalSubMenu)
    (exists (?MENU)
            (instance ?MENU GraphicalComputerMenu)
            (accessibleFromMenu ?SUB ?MENU))))
ComputerInput.kif 918-923

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