GasCompressor(compressor) | air_compressor, compressor |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation GasCompressor EnglishLanguage "Any device designed for Compressing a Gas. This includes compressors designed for refrigeration applications as well as air tools.") | Cars.kif 5230-5232 | |
(subclass GasCompressor Machine) | Cars.kif 5228-5228 | Compressor is a subclass of machine |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(subclass AirConditioningCompressor GasCompressor) | Cars.kif 1984-1984 | Air conditioning compressor is a subclass of compressor |
(subclass Supercharger GasCompressor) | Cars.kif 5244-5244 | Supercharger is a subclass of compressor |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage GasCompressor "compressor") | Cars.kif 5229-5229 | Supercharger is a subclass of compressor |
antecedent |
(=> (instance ?GC GasCompressor) (hasPurpose ?GC (exists (?C ?G) (and (instance ?C Compressing) (attribute ?G Gas) (patient ?C ?G) (instrument ?C ?GC))))) |
Cars.kif 5234-5242 |