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Sigma KEE - FourStrokeEngine
FourStrokeEngine(four stroke engine)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation FourStrokeEngine EnglishLanguage "InternalCombustionEngines based on the four-stroke (Otto cycle) have one power stroke for every four strokes (up-down-up-down) and employ spark plug ignition. Combustion occurs rapidly, and during combustion the volume varies little (constant volume). They are used in cars, larger boats, some motorcycles, and many light aircraft. They are generally quieter, more efficient, and larger than their TwoStrokeEngine counterparts. [from Wikipedia]") Cars.kif 99-105
(externalImage FourStrokeEngine " d/ dc/ 4StrokeEngine_Ortho_3D_Small.gif") Cars.kif 97-97
(subclass FourStrokeEngine IntermittentCombustionEngine) Cars.kif 96-96 Four stroke engine is a subclass of intermittent combustion engine

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage FourStrokeEngine "four stroke engine") Cars.kif 98-98
(typicalPart ExhaustValve FourStrokeEngine) Cars.kif 2645-2645 A exhaust valve is typically a part of a four stroke engine
(typicalPart IntakeValve FourStrokeEngine) Cars.kif 2670-2670 A intake valve is typically a part of a four stroke engine
(typicalPart PositiveCrankcaseVentilationValve FourStrokeEngine) Cars.kif 3876-3876 A positive crankcase ventilation valve is typically a part of a four stroke engine
(typicalPart RockerArm FourStrokeEngine) Cars.kif 3901-3901 A rocker arm is typically a part of a four stroke engine
(typicallyContainsPart ExhaustValve FourStrokeEngine) Cars.kif 2646-2646 A four stroke engine typically has a part exhaust valve
(typicallyContainsPart IntakeValve FourStrokeEngine) Cars.kif 2671-2671 A four stroke engine typically has a part intake valve
(typicallyContainsPart RockerArm FourStrokeEngine) Cars.kif 3902-3902 A four stroke engine typically has a part rocker arm


    (instance ?FSE FourStrokeEngine)
    (exists (?C)
            (instance ?C EngineCylinder)
            (part ?C ?FSE))))
Cars.kif 107-112
    (instance ?FSE FourStrokeEngine)
    (hasPurpose ?FSE
        (exists (?I ?CM ?CB ?E ?I2)
                (instance ?I FourStrokeIntake)
                (instance ?CM FourStrokeCompression)
                (instance ?CB FourStrokeCombustion)
                (instance ?E FourStrokeExhaust)
                (instance ?I2 FourStrokeIntake)
                (eventLocated ?I ?FSE)
                (eventLocated ?CM ?FSE)
                (eventLocated ?CB ?FSE)
                (eventLocated ?E ?FSE)
                (eventLocated ?I2 ?FSE)
                (meetsTemporally ?I ?CM)
                (meetsTemporally ?CM ?CB)
                (meetsTemporally ?CB ?E)
                (meetsTemporally ?E ?I2)))))
Cars.kif 114-132


    (instance ?F FourStrokeEngineCycle)
    (exists (?E)
            (instance ?E FourStrokeEngine)
            (eventLocated ?F ?E))))
Cars.kif 140-145
    (instance ?RA RockerArm)
    (hasPurpose ?RA
        (exists (?P1 ?C ?P2 ?V ?O ?FSE)
                (instance ?P1 Pushing)
                (instance ?C Cam)
                (instance ?P2 Pushing)
                (instance ?V Valve)
                (instance ?O Opening)
                (instance ?FSE FourStrokeEngine)
                (part ?RA ?FSE)
                (part ?C ?FSE)
                (part ?V ?FSE)
                (instrument ?P1 ?C)
                (destination ?P1 ?RA)
                (instrument ?P2 ?RA)
                (destination ?P2 ?V)
                (causes ?P1 ?P2)
                (causes ?P2 ?O)
                (patient ?O ?V)))))
Cars.kif 3904-3924

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