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Sigma KEE - Food
Food(food)Brownie, C-ration, Caesar_salad, Easter_egg, K_ration, MSG, Pablum, Postum, Saratoga_chip, Tabasco, Tabasco_sauce, Tamale, Waldorf_salad, a_la_carte, a_la_mode, addled, aged, aliment, alimental, alimentary, alimentation, allergy_diet, almond_extract, almond_oil, amylaceous, amyloid, amyloidal, apple_sauce, applesauce, aspic, atole, babacu_oil, babassu_oil, bad, balanced_diet, barbecue, barbeque, bird_feed, bird_food, birdseed, bit, bite, bitter_almond_oil, bland_diet, board, bracer, bran_flake, breadstuff, breakfast_food, brine-cured...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Food EnglishLanguage "Food that is fit for Human.") Merge.kif 14918-14918
(equal Food
    (FoodForFn Human))
Merge.kif 14919-14919 Food is equal to food for human
(subclass Food SelfConnectedObject) Merge.kif 14920-14920 Food is a subclass of self connected object

appearance as argument number 2

(relatedInternalConcept Nutrient Food) Merge.kif 14729-14729 Nutrient is internally related to food
(subclass FoodFromPlant Food) Food.kif 294-294 Food from plant is a subclass of food
(subclass Meat Food) Food.kif 291-291 Meat is a subclass of food
(subclass PreparedFood Food) Food.kif 308-308 Prepared food is a subclass of food
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Food "food") domainEnglishFormat.kif 64902-64902 Prepared food is a subclass of food
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Food "nourriture") french_format.kif 690-690 Prepared food is a subclass of food
(termFormat Hindi Food "aahaara") terms-hindi.txt 221-221 Prepared food is a subclass of food
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Food "Cibo") terms-it.txt 224-224 Prepared food is a subclass of food
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Food "Comida") portuguese_format.kif 642-642 Prepared food is a subclass of food
(termFormat cb Food "pagkaon") terms-cb.txt 226-226 Prepared food is a subclass of food
(termFormat cz Food "food") terms-cz.txt 259-259 Prepared food is a subclass of food
(termFormat ro Food "hranã") relations-ro.kif 711-711 Prepared food is a subclass of food
(termFormat tg Food "pagkain") terms-tg.txt 225-225 Prepared food is a subclass of food

appearance as argument number 3

(domain roastedToTemperature 1 Food) Food.kif 464-464 The number 1 argument of roasted to temperature is an instance of food


        (attribute ?F DecafAttribute)
        (instance ?F Food))
        (exists (?C)
                (instance ?C Caffeine)
                (piece ?C ?F)))))
Food.kif 437-445
        (instance ?C CuringFood)
        (instance ?F Food)
        (patient ?C ?F))
    (exists (?D)
            (instance ?D Drying)
            (subProcess ?D ?C)
            (patient ?D ?F))))
Food.kif 96-105
        (instance ?F Food)
        (attribute ?F CaffeinatedAttribute))
    (exists (?CAF)
            (instance ?CAF Caffeine)
            (piece ?CAF ?F))))
Food.kif 411-418
        (instance ?F Food)
        (attribute ?F DecafAttribute)
        (piece ?C ?F)
        (instance ?C Caffeine))
    (exists (?R)
            (instance ?R Removing)
            (destination ?R ?F)
            (patient ?R ?C))))
Food.kif 425-435
        (instance ?P PreservingFood)
        (instance ?F Food)
        (patient ?P ?F))
    (hasPurpose ?P
            (exists (?D)
                    (instance ?D ChemicalDecomposition)
                    (patient ?D ?F))))))
Food.kif 191-201
        (instance ?X DryRoasting)
        (instance ?F Food)
        (patient ?X ?F))
    (holdsDuring ?X
        (exists (?H ?S)
                (instance ?H Heating)
                (instance ?S Stirring)
                (subProcess ?H ?X)
                (subProcess ?S ?X)
                    (WhenFn ?S)
                    (WhenFn ?H))
                (patient ?H ?F)
                (patient ?S ?F)
                    (exists (?O ?W)
                            (instance ?O Oil)
                            (instance ?W DrinkingWater)
                            (patient ?X ?O)
                            (patient ?X ?W))))))))
Food.kif 128-151


        (instance ?A PreparedFoodAttribute)
        (attribute ?F ?A))
    (instance ?F Food))
Food.kif 24-28
    (instance ?C CuringFood)
    (exists (?F ?P ?S)
            (instance ?F Food)
            (patient ?C ?F)
            (instance ?P Putting)
            (subProcess ?P ?C)
            (instance ?S SodiumChloride)
            (patient ?P ?S)
            (destination ?P ?F))))
Food.kif 84-94

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