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Sigma KEE - Flat

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Flat EnglishLanguage "This ShapeAttribute describes a three dimensional Object for which two dimensions are markedly larger than the third, and the two larger dimensions also are not of markedly different lengths.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 2768-2772
(instance Flat ShapeAttribute) Mid-level-ontology.kif 2774-2774 Flat is an instance of shape attribute

appearance as argument number 2

(subAttribute DiskShaped Flat) Mid-level-ontology.kif 25873-25873 Disk shaped is a subattribute of flat
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Flat "平面") domainEnglishFormat.kif 24199-24199 Disk shaped is a subattribute of flat
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Flat "平面") domainEnglishFormat.kif 24198-24198 Disk shaped is a subattribute of flat
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Flat "flat") domainEnglishFormat.kif 24197-24197 Disk shaped is a subattribute of flat


    (attribute ?F Flat)
    (exists (?S1 ?S2 ?HF ?H1 ?H2 ?U)
            (side ?S1 ?F)
            (side ?S2 ?F)
            (meetsSpatially ?S1 ?S2)
                (equal ?S1 ?S2))
            (instance ?U UnitOfLength)
            (height ?F
                (MeasureFn ?HF ?U))
            (height ?S1
                (MeasureFn ?H1 ?U))
            (height ?S2
                (MeasureFn ?H2 ?U))
            (greaterThan ?H1
                (MultiplicationFn 2.0 ?HF))
            (greaterThan ?H2
                (MultiplicationFn 2.0 ?HF)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2775-2788


    (instance ?IRON FabricIron)
    (exists (?BASE)
            (bottom ?BASE ?IRON)
            (material Metal ?BASE)
            (attribute ?BASE Flat))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 25477-25483
    (instance ?OBJ Blackboard)
    (shape ?OBJ Flat))
Media.kif 1089-1091
    (instance ?OBJ OpticalDisc)
    (shape ?OBJ Flat))
Media.kif 1135-1137
    (instance ?OBJ PrintedSheet)
    (shape ?OBJ Flat))
Media.kif 1069-1071
    (instance ?OBJ Whiteboard)
    (shape ?OBJ Flat))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 25897-25899
    (instance ?PLANER Planer)
    (hasPurpose ?PLANER
        (exists (?CUT ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2 ?U ?H1 ?H2)
                (instance ?CUT Cutting)
                (instrument ?CUT ?PLANER)
                (resource ?CUT ?OBJ1)
                (instance ?OBJ1 Object)
                (material ?OBJ1 Wood)
                (result ?CUT ?OBJ2)
                (instance ?OBJ2 Object)
                (material Wood ?OBJ2)
                (attribute ?OBJ2 Flat)
                (instance ?U UnitOfLength)
                (height ?OBJ1
                    (MeasureFn ?H1 ?U))
                (height ?OBJ2
                    (MeasureFn ?H2 ?U))
                (greaterThan ?H1 ?H2)))))
Economy.kif 6132-6151
    (instance ?PROCESS
        (OperatingFn ComputerMouse))
    (exists (?SURFACE)
            (instance ?SURFACE Object)
            (attribute ?SURFACE Flat)
            (eventLocated ?PROCESS ?SURFACE))))
ComputerInput.kif 389-396
    (instance ?S Sandal)
    (exists (?SOLE)
            (instance ?SOLE ShoeSole)
            (part ?SOLE ?S)
            (attribute ?SOLE Flat))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 5228-5234
    (instance ?TOUCHSCREEN TouchScreen)
    (attribute ?TOUCHSCREEN Flat))
QoSontology.kif 595-597
    (instance ?V Veneer)
    (attribute ?V Flat))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4763-4765
    (instance ?X Easel)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?OBJ ?PUT)
                (instance ?OBJ Artifact)
                (attribute ?OBJ Flat)
                (instance ?PUT Putting)
                (patient ?PUT ?OBJ)
                (destination ?PUT ?X)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 27003-27012
    (instance ?X MultimediaProjector)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?RS ?SCREEN ?VIDEO)
                (instance ?RS RadiatingLight)
                (instrument ?RS ?X)
                (patient ?RS ?VIDEO)
                    (instance ?VIDEO VideoRecording)
                    (instance ?VIDEO Image))
                (destination ?RS ?SCREEN)
                (instance ?SCREEN Artifact)
                (attribute ?SCREEN Flat)
                    (connected ?X ?SCREEN))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26493-26507
    (instance ?X WetBar)
    (exists (?SINK ?OBJ)
            (instance ?SINK WashBasin)
            (part ?SINK ?X)
            (instance ?OBJ Object)
            (attribute ?OBJ Flat)
            (hasPurpose ?OBJ
                (exists (?PREP ?FOOD)
                        (instance ?PREP Making)
                        (result ?PREP ?FOOD)
                            (instance ?FOOD PreparedFood)
                            (instance ?FOOD Beverage))
                        (eventLocated ?PREP ?OBJ))))
            (part ?OBJ ?X))))
Food.kif 331-348
    (rainfallIntensity ?AREA ?TIME ?RATE)
            (instance ?RAIN Raining)
            (eventLocated ?RAIN ?AREA)
                (WhenFn ?RAIN) ?TIME)
            (instance ?CLTN Collection)
            (objectTransferred ?RAIN ?CLTN)
            (instance ?R Water)
            (member ?R ?CLTN)
            (instance ?BUCKET Container)
            (bottom ?BOTTOM ?BUCKET)
            (attribute ?BOTTOM Flat)
            (located ?BUCKET ?AREA)
                (BeginFn ?TIME)
                (attribute ?BUCKET ContainerEmpty))
                (EndFn ?TIME)
                    (located ?CLTN ?BUCKET)
                    (top ?TOP ?CLTN)
                    (depth ?TOP ?BOTTOM ?RAINFALL)
                    (equal ?RAINFALL
                        (MultiplicationFn ?TIME ?RATE)))))))
Weather.kif 2813-2838
    (snowfallIntensity ?AREA ?TIME ?RATE)
            (instance ?PROCESS Snowing)
            (eventLocated ?PROCESS ?AREA)
                (WhenFn ?PROCESS) ?TIME)
            (instance ?STUFF Snow)
            (objectTransferred ?PROCESS ?STUFF)
            (instance ?BOARD BoardOrBlock)
            (bottom ?BOTTOM ?BOARD)
            (attribute ?BOTTOM Flat)
            (located ?BOARD ?AREA)
                (BeginFn ?TIME)
                    (exists (?X)
                            (instance ?X Object)
                            (located ?X ?BOARD)))))
                (EndFn ?TIME)
                    (located ?STUFF ?BOARD)
                    (top ?TOP ?STUFF)
                    (depth ?TOP ?BOTTOM ?SNOWFALL)
                    (equal ?SNOWFALL
                        (MultiplicationFn ?TIME ?RATE)))))))
Weather.kif 3018-3045

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