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Sigma KEE - ExecutiveLegislativeAndOtherGeneralGovernmentSupport
ExecutiveLegislativeAndOtherGeneralGovernmentSupport(executive legislative and other general government support)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ExecutiveLegislativeAndOtherGeneralGovernmentSupport EnglishLanguage "An Attribute of an Organization, that specifies that the primary business of the organization involves Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support.") naics.kif 12214-12217
(subAttribute ExecutiveLegislativeAndOtherGeneralGovernmentSupport PublicAdministration) naics.kif 12212-12212 Executive legislative and other general government support is a subattribute of public administration

appearance as argument number 2

(subAttribute AmericanIndianAndAlaskaNativeTribalGovernments ExecutiveLegislativeAndOtherGeneralGovernmentSupport) naics.kif 12245-12245 American indian and alaska native tribal governments is a subattribute of executive legislative and other general government support
(subAttribute ExecutiveAndLegislativeOfficesCombined ExecutiveLegislativeAndOtherGeneralGovernmentSupport) naics.kif 12238-12238 Executive and legislative offices combined is a subattribute of executive legislative and other general government support
(subAttribute ExecutiveOffices ExecutiveLegislativeAndOtherGeneralGovernmentSupport) naics.kif 12219-12219 Executive offices is a subattribute of executive legislative and other general government support
(subAttribute LegislativeBodies ExecutiveLegislativeAndOtherGeneralGovernmentSupport) naics.kif 12225-12225 Legislative bodies is a subattribute of executive legislative and other general government support
(subAttribute OtherGeneralGovernmentSupport ExecutiveLegislativeAndOtherGeneralGovernmentSupport) naics.kif 12253-12253 Other general government support is a subattribute of executive legislative and other general government support
(subAttribute PublicFinanceActivities ExecutiveLegislativeAndOtherGeneralGovernmentSupport) naics.kif 12231-12231 Public finance activities is a subattribute of executive legislative and other general government support
(termFormat ChineseLanguage ExecutiveLegislativeAndOtherGeneralGovernmentSupport "行政立法和其他一般政府支持") domainEnglishFormat.kif 22745-22745 Public finance activities is a subattribute of executive legislative and other general government support
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage ExecutiveLegislativeAndOtherGeneralGovernmentSupport "行政立法和其他一般政府支持") domainEnglishFormat.kif 22744-22744 Public finance activities is a subattribute of executive legislative and other general government support
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ExecutiveLegislativeAndOtherGeneralGovernmentSupport "executive legislative and other general government support") domainEnglishFormat.kif 22743-22743 Public finance activities is a subattribute of executive legislative and other general government support

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