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Sigma KEE - EmotionalSpeakingBehavior
EmotionalSpeakingBehavior(emotional speaking behavior)barbed, biting, corrosive, mordacious, nipping, pungent, sarcastic, sardonic

appearance as argument number 1

(subclass EmotionalSpeakingBehavior EmotionalBehavioralProcess) emotion.kif 87-87 Emotional speaking behavior is a subclass of emotional behavioral process
(subclass EmotionalSpeakingBehavior Speaking) emotion.kif 86-86 Emotional speaking behavior is a subclass of speaking

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass EmotionalVoiceUtterances EmotionalSpeakingBehavior) emotion.kif 97-97 Emotional voice utterances is a subclass of emotional speaking behavior
(subclass NotSpeaking EmotionalSpeakingBehavior) emotion.kif 2080-2080 Not speaking is a subclass of emotional speaking behavior
(subclass SpeakingALongUtterance EmotionalSpeakingBehavior) emotion.kif 2092-2092 Speaking a long utterance is a subclass of emotional speaking behavior
(subclass SpeakingAShortUtterance EmotionalSpeakingBehavior) emotion.kif 2096-2096 Speaking a short utterance is a subclass of emotional speaking behavior
(subclass SpeakingAssertively EmotionalSpeakingBehavior) emotion.kif 2032-2032 Speaking assertively is a subclass of emotional speaking behavior
(subclass SpeakingAtAFasterRate EmotionalSpeakingBehavior) emotion.kif 2012-2012 Speaking at a faster rate is a subclass of emotional speaking behavior
(subclass SpeakingAtASlowerRate EmotionalSpeakingBehavior) emotion.kif 2073-2073 Speaking at a slower rate is a subclass of emotional speaking behavior
(subclass SpeakingInADisturbedFashion EmotionalSpeakingBehavior) emotion.kif 2045-2045 Speaking in a disturbed fashion is a subclass of emotional speaking behavior
(subclass SpeakingLoudly EmotionalSpeakingBehavior) emotion.kif 2049-2049 Speaking loudly is a subclass of emotional speaking behavior
(subclass SpeakingSoftly EmotionalSpeakingBehavior) emotion.kif 2054-2054 Speaking softly is a subclass of emotional speaking behavior
(subclass SpeakingWithAlteredSpeechMelody EmotionalSpeakingBehavior) emotion.kif 2041-2041 Speaking with altered speech melody is a subclass of emotional speaking behavior
(subclass SpeakingWithTremblingVoice EmotionalSpeakingBehavior) emotion.kif 2084-2084 Speaking with trembling voice is a subclass of emotional speaking behavior
(termFormat EnglishLanguage EmotionalSpeakingBehavior "emotional speaking behavior") emotion.kif 84-85 Speaking with trembling voice is a subclass of emotional speaking behavior

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