DigitalDataStorageDevice(digital data storage device) | memory_device, storage_device |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation DigitalDataStorageDevice EnglishLanguage "An instance of DigitalDataStorageDevice is an ElectronicDataStorageDevice intended to be used for storing data (information) in some digital (discrete bit) encoding scheme designed for interpretation by computers.") | Media.kif 703-707 | |
(subclass DigitalDataStorageDevice ElectronicDataStorageDevice) | Media.kif 702-702 | Digital data storage device is a subclass of electronic data storage device |
appearance as argument number 2 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?OBJ DigitalDataStorageDevice) (part ?PART ?OBJ) (instance ?PART DigitalData)) (exists (?SCHEME ?LIST ?NUM) (and (codeMapping ?SCHEME ?PART ?NUM) (represents ?LIST ?SCHEME) (=> (inList ?NUM ?LIST) (instance ?NUM BinaryNumber))))) |
Media.kif 801-812 |
consequent |
(=> (instance ?DATA DigitalData) (exists (?DEVICE) (and (instance ?DEVICE DigitalDataStorageDevice) (located ?DATA ?DEVICE)))) |
QoSontology.kif 1961-1966 |