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Sigma KEE - Device
Device(device)ATM, Abbe_condenser, Abney_level, Allen_wrench, Amsler_grid, Aqua-Lung, Bailey_bridge, Beckman_thermometer, Bermuda_rig, Bermudan_rig, Bermudian_rig, Bessemer_converter, Blackwall_hitch, CD_burner, Cassegrainian_telescope, Coffey_still, Cottrell_precipitator, Crock_Pot, Crookes_radiometer, Crookes_tube, DSL, Davy_lamp, Dayton_ax, Dayton_axe, Dewar, Dewar_flask, Dumpy_level, Dutch_hoe, EDS, ETD, Elastoplast, FAE, Ferris_wheel, Fresnel_lens, GPS, G_suit, Galilean_telescope, Geiger-Muller_counter, Geiger-Muller_tube, Geiger_counter, Geiger_tube, Global_Positioning_System, Gregorian_telescope, Herschelian_telescope, Hollerith_card, I.E.D., IED, IOL, Indian_club, Jacob's_ladder...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Device ChineseLanguage "Device 是一件 Artifact,它出现目的为了服务一件 Process 一个特定子类别的 instrument。") chinese_format.kif 3618-3619
(documentation Device EnglishLanguage "A Device is an Artifact whose purpose is to serve as an instrument in a specific subclass of Process.") Merge.kif 16012-16013
(subclass Device Artifact) Merge.kif 16011-16011 Device is a subclass of artifact

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Aerator Device) Mid-level-ontology.kif 1875-1875 Aerator is a subclass of device
(subclass AnimalController Device) Mid-level-ontology.kif 2727-2727 Animal controller is a subclass of device
(subclass AnimalPoweredDevice Device) Mid-level-ontology.kif 2755-2755 Animal powered device is a subclass of device
(subclass AttachingDevice Device) Merge.kif 16084-16084 Attaching device is a subclass of device
(subclass AudioRecorder Device) Mid-level-ontology.kif 26509-26509 Audio recorder is a subclass of device
(subclass AutomobileMuffler Device) Cars.kif 2596-2596 Muffler is a subclass of device
(subclass Axle Device) Mid-level-ontology.kif 3528-3528 Axle is a subclass of device
(subclass BallBearing Device) Cars.kif 1404-1404 Ball bearing is a subclass of device
(subclass Barricade Device) MilitaryDevices.kif 2015-2015 Barricade is a subclass of device
(subclass Baton Device) Mid-level-ontology.kif 2843-2843 Baton is a subclass of device
(subclass Brake Device) Cars.kif 538-538 Brake is a subclass of device
(subclass BrakeCaliper Device) Cars.kif 672-672 Brake caliper is a subclass of device
(subclass BrakeDrum Device) Cars.kif 666-666 Brake drum is a subclass of device
(subclass BrakePedal Device) Cars.kif 677-677 Brake pedal is a subclass of device
(subclass BrakeRotor Device) Cars.kif 660-660 Brake rotor is a subclass of device
(subclass BrushOrComb Device) Mid-level-ontology.kif 1913-1913 Brush or comb is a subclass of device
(subclass Cam Device) Cars.kif 1640-1640 Cam is a subclass of device
(subclass Camera Device) Mid-level-ontology.kif 13531-13531 Camera is a subclass of device
(subclass CanalLockGate Device) Transportation.kif 3930-3930 Canal lock gate is a subclass of device
(subclass Carabiner Device) Mid-level-ontology.kif 31042-31042 Karabiner is a subclass of device
(subclass Chimney Device) Mid-level-ontology.kif 15252-15252 Chimney is a subclass of device
(subclass CleaningDevice Device) Mid-level-ontology.kif 5582-5582 Cleaning device is a subclass of device
(subclass Clutch Device) Cars.kif 1791-1791 Clutch is a subclass of device
(subclass CombustionChamber Device) Cars.kif 1701-1701 Combustion chamber is a subclass of device
(subclass Compass Device) Mid-level-ontology.kif 2253-2253 Compass is a subclass of device

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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25

appearance as argument number 3

(domain OperatingFn 1 Device) Mid-level-ontology.kif 18142-18142 The number 1 argument of operating is an instance of device
(domain effectiveRange 1 Device) Mid-level-ontology.kif 1380-1380 The number 1 argument of effective range is an instance of device
(domain maxDeviceOperatingTemp 1 Device) ComputingBrands.kif 3620-3620 The number 1 argument of maximum device operating temperature is an instance of device
(domain maxDeviceStorageTemp 1 Device) ComputingBrands.kif 3648-3648 The number 1 argument of maximum device storage temperature is an instance of device
(domain minDeviceOperatingTemp 1 Device) ComputingBrands.kif 3673-3673 The number 1 argument of minimum device operating temperature is an instance of device
(domain minDeviceStorageTemp 1 Device) ComputingBrands.kif 3698-3698 The number 1 argument of minimum device storage temperature is an instance of device
(domain powerComponent 1 Device) Mid-level-ontology.kif 1727-1727 The number 1 argument of power component is an instance of device
(domainSubclass PlayingInstrumentFn 1 Device) Music.kif 827-827 The number 1 argument of playing instrument fn is a subclass of device
(domainSubclass equipmentCount 2 Device) Mid-level-ontology.kif 24598-24598 The number 2 argument of equipment count is a subclass of device
(domainSubclass equipmentType 2 Device) Mid-level-ontology.kif 24613-24613 The number 2 argument of equipment type is a subclass of device


        (instance ?AP InternetAccessPoint)
        (instance ?DEVICE Device))
            (connectedEngineeringComponents ?DEVICE ?AP))
        (engineeringSubcomponent ?DEVICE Internet)))
Hotel.kif 1365-1371
        (instance ?DAM Damaging)
        (instance ?OBJ Device)
        (patient ?DAM ?OBJ))
            (WhenFn ?DAM))
        (attribute ?OBJ DeviceDamaged)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30336-30344
        (powerComponent ?G ?O)
        (instance ?O Device))
    (instance ?O SelfPoweredDevice))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 1735-1739
    (instance ?DEVICE Device)
    (exists (?PROC)
        (capability ?PROC instrument ?DEVICE)))
Merge.kif 16015-16018
    (instance ?DEVICE Device)
    (exists (?PROC)
        (hasPurpose ?DEVICE
            (exists (?INST)
                    (instance ?INST ?PROC)
                    (instrument ?INST ?DEVICE))))))
Merge.kif 16020-16027


        (attribute ?DEVICE ?ATTRIBUTE)
        (instance ?ATTRIBUTE DeviceAttribute))
    (instance ?DEVICE Device))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 1826-1830
        (instance ?EG EngineGovernor)
        (instance ?E Engine)
        (connectedEngineeringComponents ?EG ?E)
        (governorSpeed ?E
            (MeasureFn ?S MilesPerHour)))
    (hasPurpose ?EG
            (exists (?R ?P ?M)
                    (instance ?P Device)
                    (part ?P ?E)
                    (instance ?R Rotating)
                        (WhenFn ?R)
                            (measure ?P
                                (MeasureFn ?M MilesPerHour))
                            (greaterThan ?M ?S))))))))
Cars.kif 2913-2931
        (instance ?INSTALL Installing)
        (patient ?INSTALL ?DEVICE))
    (instance ?DEVICE Device))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18149-18153
        (instance ?P TurningOffDevice)
        (patient ?P ?D))
    (instance ?D Device))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 1076-1080
        (instance ?P TurningOnDevice)
        (patient ?P ?D))
    (instance ?D Device))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 1100-1104
    (instance ?AMR AutonomousMobileRobot)
    (hasPurpose ?AMR
        (exists (?T)
                (instance ?T Translocation)
                (agent ?T ?AMR)
                (patient ?T ?AMR)
                (instrument ?T ?AMR)
                (experiencer ?T ?AMR)
                    (exists (?G ?A)
                            (instance ?G Guiding)
                            (patient ?G ?AMR)
                            (agent ?G ?A)
                                (instance ?A Human)
                                (instance ?A Device)))))))))
engineering.kif 967-985
    (instance ?COMP EngineeringComponent)
    (exists (?DEVICE)
            (instance ?DEVICE Device)
            (component ?COMP ?DEVICE))))
Merge.kif 16138-16143
    (instance ?DEVICE SelfPoweredDevice)
    (exists (?SOURCE)
            (instance ?SOURCE Device)
            (powerComponent ?SOURCE ?DEVICE))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2748-2753
    (instance ?M SurfaceWindSpeedMeasuring)
    (exists (?PLACE ?TOOL)
            (instance ?PLACE GeographicArea)
            (instance ?TOOL Device)
            (eventLocated ?M ?PLACE)
            (instrument ?M ?TOOL)
                (WhenFn ?M)
                (elevation ?TOOL
                    (MeasureFn 10.0 Meter))))))
Weather.kif 1715-1725
    (instance ?S AirportStagingArea)
    (hasPurpose ?S
        (exists (?B ?C ?D ?T)
                (instance ?B Boarding)
                (instance ?C Collection)
                (instrument ?B ?C)
                (member ?D ?C)
                (instance ?D Device)
                (locatedAtTime ?C ?T ?S)
                (during ?T
                    (WhenFn ?B))))))
Transportation.kif 1318-1329
    (instance ?S AirportStagingArea)
    (hasPurpose ?S
        (exists (?DB ?C ?D ?T)
                (instance ?DB Deboarding)
                (instance ?C Collection)
                (instrument ?DB ?C)
                (member ?D ?C)
                (instance ?D Device)
                (locatedAtTime ?C ?T ?S)
                (during ?T
                    (WhenFn ?DB))))))
Transportation.kif 1331-1342
    (instance ?S RecordingStudio)
    (exists (?D)
            (instance ?D Device)
            (hasPurpose ?D
                (exists (?R ?P)
                        (instance ?R Recording)
                        (instrument ?P ?D)
                        (result ?P ?R))))
            (located ?D ?S))))
Music.kif 36-47
    (instance ?SCUBA ScubaDiving)
    (exists (?WATER ?DEVICE ?BREATH)
            (instance ?WATER WaterArea)
            (orientation ?SCUBA ?WATER Below)
            (instance ?DEVICE Device)
            (instance ?BREATH Breathing)
            (instrument ?BREATH ?DEVICE)
            (subProcess ?BREATH ?SCUBA))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 27166-27175
    (instance ?X BabyMonitoringSystem)
    (exists (?TX ?RX)
            (instance ?RX RadioReceiver)
            (instance ?TX Device)
            (engineeringSubcomponent ?RX ?X)
            (engineeringSubcomponent ?TX ?X)
            (hasPurpose ?X
                (exists (?BABY ?CARER ?SOUND ?LOC1 ?LOC2 ?PROC ?RADIO)
                        (instance ?BABY HumanBaby)
                        (instance ?CARER Human)
                        (located ?BABY ?LOC1)
                        (located ?CARER ?LOC2)
                            (equal ?LOC1 ?LOC2))
                        (instance ?PROC Maintaining)
                        (patient ?PROC ?BABY)
                        (agent ?PROC ?CARER)
                        (located ?TX ?LOC1)
                        (located ?RX ?LOC2)
                        (instance ?SOUND RadiatingSound)
                        (eventLocated ?SOUND ?LOC1)
                        (instance ?RADIO RadioEmission)
                        (patient ?RADIO ?SOUND)
                        (destination ?RADIO ?RX)
                        (agent ?RADIO ?TX)))))))
Communications.kif 258-284
    (instance ?X RemoteControl)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?SIGNAL ?DEVICE)
                (instance ?SIGNAL ElectronicSignalling)
                (agent ?SIGNAL ?X)
                (destination ?SIGNAL ?DEVICE)
                (instance ?DEVICE Device)
                    (part ?X ?DEVICE))))))
engineering.kif 1435-1445

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