Declaring(declaring) more pictures... | abdication, abnegate, abrogate, absolution, accession, adjourn, adjudge, admission, admittance, advocacy, allege, alliance, amnesty, anathema, announce, annul, annulment, apostatise, apostatize, appeal, appointive, appointment, arraign, arrogate, attainder, authorisation, authorization, aver, avoid, baronetise, baronetize, beatify, benefit_of_clergy, benison, betrothal, boycott, break, breakaway, breaking_away, breakup, bridal, call, cancel, cancellation, canonise, canonize, celebration, censure, certification, certified... |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Declaring ChineseLanguage "这个 Class 属于由主管当局执行,并能在制度上作出改变的 LinguisticCommunication。一些例子如:提名、证婚和免职。") | chinese_format.kif 3279-3280 | |
(documentation Declaring EnglishLanguage "The Class of LinguisticCommunications that effect an institutional alteration when performed by competent authority. Some examples are nominating, marrying, and excommunicating.") | Merge.kif 13288-13290 | |
(externalImage Declaring " 0/ 07/ Us_declaration_independence.jpg") | pictureList.kif 3068-3068 | |
(externalImage Declaring " 1/ 15/ Declaration_independence.jpg") | pictureList.kif 2945-2945 | |
(externalImage Declaring " 3/ 31/ USA_declaration_independence.jpg") | pictureList.kif 3067-3067 | |
(externalImage Declaring " a/ a0/ Declaration_of_Human_Rights.jpg") | pictureList.kif 3066-3066 | |
(externalImage Declaring " b/ b6/ Us_declaration_independence_signatures.jpg") | pictureList.kif 3070-3070 | |
(externalImage Declaring " c/ c3/ Declaration_of_Independence.jpg") | pictureList.kif 3069-3069 | |
(externalImage Declaring " e/ e4/ Declaration_of_Independence_%28USA%29.jpg") | pictureList.kif 3064-3064 | |
(subclass Declaring LinguisticCommunication) | Merge.kif 13287-13287 | Declaring is a subclass of linguistic communication |
appearance as argument number 2 |
antecedent |
(=> (instance ?DECLARE Declaring) (exists (?PROP ?NORM) (or (confersNorm ?DECLARE ?PROP ?NORM) (deprivesNorm ?DECLARE ?PROP ?NORM)))) |
Merge.kif 13292-13297 |
consequent |
(=> (instance ?X ForeignTerroristOrganization) (exists (?EV) (and (instance ?EV Declaring) (agent ?EV USStateDepartment) (patient ?EV ?X)))) |
Government.kif 2357-2363 |
(=> (legalRelation ?AGENT1 ?AGENT2) (exists (?DECLARE ?OBLIGATION) (and (instance ?DECLARE Declaring) (confersObligation ?OBLIGATION ?DECLARE ?AGENT1) (confersObligation ?OBLIGATION ?DECLARE ?AGENT2)))) |
Merge.kif 16596-16602 |