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Sigma KEE - CyclonicStorm
CyclonicStorm(cyclonic storm)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation CyclonicStorm ChineseLanguage "CyclonicStorm 气旋风暴属于一类 低气压气象系统 LowPressureWeatherSystem, 它涉及风向由快速向内旋转的 一处低气压区。") Weather.kif 545-547
(documentation CyclonicStorm EnglishLanguage "CyclonicStorm is the class of LowPressureWeatherSystems that involve a low pressure area surrounded by winds rotating rapidly inwards.") Weather.kif 542-544
(externalImage CyclonicStorm " thumb/ 1/ 1e/ Polar_low.jpg/ 180px_Polar_low.jpg") pictureList.kif 1082-1082
(subclass CyclonicStorm LowPressureWeatherSystem) Weather.kif 540-540 Cyclonic storm is a subclass of low pressure weather system
(subclass CyclonicStorm Storm) Weather.kif 541-541 Cyclonic storm is a subclass of storm

appearance as argument number 2

(naturalHazardTypeInArea SouthernOcean CyclonicStorm) Geography.kif 4746-4746 Cyclonic storm is a natural hazard type in area of southern ocean
(subclass Tornado CyclonicStorm) Weather.kif 1631-1631 Tornado is a subclass of cyclonic storm
(subclass TropicalCyclonicSystem CyclonicStorm) Weather.kif 589-589 Tropical cyclonic system is a subclass of cyclonic storm
(termFormat ChineseLanguage CyclonicStorm "气旋风暴") domainEnglishFormat.kif 18291-18291 Tropical cyclonic system is a subclass of cyclonic storm
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage CyclonicStorm "氣旋風暴") domainEnglishFormat.kif 18290-18290 Tropical cyclonic system is a subclass of cyclonic storm
(termFormat EnglishLanguage CyclonicStorm "cyclonic storm") domainEnglishFormat.kif 18289-18289 Tropical cyclonic system is a subclass of cyclonic storm

appearance as argument number 3

(domain radiusOfMaximumWind 1 CyclonicStorm) Weather.kif 584-584 The number 1 argument of radius of maximum wind is an instance of cyclonic storm


        (instance ?CS CyclonicStorm)
        (instance ?AS AirStream)
        (eventLocated ?CS ?AS))
    (shape ?AS Cylinder))
Weather.kif 556-561
    (instance ?CS CyclonicStorm)
    (exists (?CM)
            (instance ?CM CentripetalMotion)
            (subProcess ?CM ?CS))))
Weather.kif 549-554

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