Cooking(cooking) | acerbate, baking, barbecue, barbecued, barbecuing, barbeque, baste, basting, beat, blacken, blanch, boil, boil_down, boiled, boiling, braise, braising, broil, broiling, browning, can, caramelise, caramelize, char, clabber, clot, coddle, concentrate, concoct, conserve, cook, cook_out, cook_up, cookery, cooking, corn, cream, culinary, curdle, decoct, deglaze, dehydrate, desiccate, devil, draw, dress, dress_out, dun, farce, fix... |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Cooking ChineseLanguage "这是 Making Food 的 instance。注:这包括任何 准备 Food 的过程,例如:做沙拉和切开水果等,它不一定涉及应用热能来处理食物。") | chinese_format.kif 3224-3225 | |
(documentation Cooking EnglishLanguage "The Making of an instance of Food. Note that this can cover any preparation of Food, e.g. making a salad, cutting up fruit, etc. It does not necessarily involve the application of heat.") | Merge.kif 12908-12911 | |
(externalImage Cooking " 85/ Poffertjes.jpg") | pictureList.kif 4628-4628 | |
(subclass Cooking Making) | Merge.kif 12907-12907 | Cooking is a subclass of making |
appearance as argument number 2 |
antecedent |
consequent |