Contest(contest) more pictures... | Cold_War, Great_Revolt, Peasant's_Revolt, advance, aggress, aggression, agitate, agonistic, agonistical, antagonise, antagonize, anti-takeover_defense, arbitration, argle-bargle, arguing, argument, argy-bargy, arise, arm, arms_race, athletic_competition, athletic_contest, athletics, attack, avenge, balk, bargaining, barricade, bat, batrachomyomachia, battle, battle_of_wits, battle_royal, baulk, beat, beat_out, bench, beset, bet, bicker, bickering, bidding_contest, blitz, block, brush, buck, build_up, bulldog, bullfight, bulwark... |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Contest ChineseLanguage "这是一种 SocialInteraction,当中 agent 和 patient 皆是试图击败对方的 CognitiveAgent。注:这个概念在自然语言常常以隐喻的意义被应用,我们会说 譬如植物为了空间和阳光而争斗,或细菌在某些环境为了食物而斗争。") | chinese_format.kif 3286-3288 | |
(documentation Contest EnglishLanguage "A SocialInteraction where the agent and patient are CognitiveAgents who are trying to defeat one another. Note that this concept is often applied in a metaphorical sense in natural language, when we speak, e.g., of the struggle of plants for space or sunlight, or of bacteria for food resources in some environment.") | Merge.kif 13349-13353 | |
(externalImage Contest " 3d/ Masskrug.jpg") | pictureList.kif 10739-10739 | |
(externalImage Contest " 7a/ Basketball_shot.jpg") | pictureList.kif 9957-9957 | |
(externalImage Contest " 80/ Mrs_Texas.jpg") | pictureList.kif 10737-10737 | |
(externalImage Contest " 97/ Chess_Olympiad_Torino_2006.jpg") | pictureList.kif 10741-10741 | |
(externalImage Contest " 97/ MissEarth2006Awards.jpg") | pictureList.kif 10742-10742 | |
(externalImage Contest " af/ Basketball_game.jpg") | pictureList.kif 10736-10736 | |
(externalImage Contest " ed/ SCP._Bajada._Reina_Lustral_2.jpg") | pictureList.kif 10740-10740 | |
(externalImage Contest " f5/ ESC_2007_Poland_-_The_Jet_Set_-_Time_to_party.jpg") | pictureList.kif 10738-10738 | |
(subclass Contest SocialInteraction) | Merge.kif 13348-13348 | Contest is a subclass of social interaction |
appearance as argument number 2 |
appearance as argument number 3 |
(domain contestEntry 3 Contest) | Music.kif 1082-1082 | The number 3 argument of contest entry is an instance of contest |
(domain contestObject 1 Contest) | Dining.kif 879-879 | The number 1 argument of contest object is an instance of contest |
(domain contestOrganizer 1 Contest) | Music.kif 1063-1063 | The number 1 argument of contest organizer is an instance of contest |
(domain contestParticipant 1 Contest) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 19938-19938 | The number 1 argument of contest participant is an instance of contest |
(domain contestParticipantRepresentation 1 Contest) | Music.kif 1105-1105 | The number 1 argument of contest representation is an instance of contest |
(domainSubclass ContestFn 1 Contest) | Music.kif 1047-1047 | The number 1 argument of contest function is a subclass of contest |
antecedent |
consequent |