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Sigma KEE - ChairmanJCS
ChairmanJCS(chairmanJC s)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ChairmanJCS EnglishLanguage "The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.") MilitaryProcesses.kif 918-919
(instance ChairmanJCS Position) MilitaryProcesses.kif 912-912 ChairmanJC s is an instance of position

appearance as argument number 2

(leaderPosition JointChiefsOfStaff ChairmanJCS) MilitaryProcesses.kif 917-917 ChairmanJC s is a leader position of joint chiefs of staff
(leaderPosition JointStaff ChairmanJCS) MilitaryProcesses.kif 899-899 ChairmanJC s is a leader position of joint staff
(termFormat ChineseLanguage ChairmanJCS "主席JCs") domainEnglishFormat.kif 14051-14051 ChairmanJC s is a leader position of joint staff
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage ChairmanJCS "主席JCs") domainEnglishFormat.kif 14050-14050 ChairmanJC s is a leader position of joint staff
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ChairmanJCS "Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff") MilitaryProcesses.kif 2954-2954 ChairmanJC s is a leader position of joint staff
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ChairmanJCS "chairmanJC s") domainEnglishFormat.kif 14049-14049 ChairmanJC s is a leader position of joint staff


    (attribute ?H ChairmanJCS)
    (member ?H JointChiefsOfStaff))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 914-916


        (instance ?PLANNING OperationPlanning)
        (agent ?PLANNING ?COMMANDER))
            (instance ?COMMANDER CombatantCommander)
            (exists (?REQUEST ?CHAIRMAN)
                    (instance ?REQUEST Requesting)
                    (agent ?REQUEST ?CHAIRMAN)
                    (attribute ?CHAIRMAN ChairmanJCS)
                    (causes ?REQUEST ?PLANNING))))
            (instance ?COMMANDER SubunifiedCommander)
                    (instance ?REQUEST Requesting)
                    (agent ?REQUEST ?COMMANDERSUPER)
                    (attribute ?COMMANDERSUPER MilitaryCommander)
                    (subordinatePosition ?MILITARY ?COMMANDER ?COMMANDERSUPER)
                    (instance ?MILITARY MilitaryForce)
                    (causes ?REQUEST ?PLANNING))))))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 1582-1604
    (instance ?PUB AboveTheLine)
    (exists (?SIGNING ?H)
            (instance ?SIGNING SigningAnAgreement)
            (attribute ?H ChairmanJCS)
            (agent ?SIGNING ?H)
            (patient ?SIGNING ?PUB))))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 964-971
    (instance ?PUB ChairmanPublication)
    (exists (?MANAGING ?H)
            (instance ?MANAGING Managing)
            (attribute ?H ChairmanJCS)
            (agent ?MANAGING ?H)
            (patient ?MANAGING ?PUB))))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 1034-1041
    (instance ?PUB ChairmanPublication)
    (exists (?SIGNING ?H)
            (instance ?SIGNING SigningAnAgreement)
            (attribute ?H ChairmanJCS)
            (agent ?SIGNING ?H)
            (patient ?SIGNING ?PUB))))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 1046-1053
    (instance ?PUB JointPublication)
    (exists (?MANAGING ?H)
            (instance ?MANAGING Managing)
            (attribute ?H ChairmanJCS)
            (agent ?MANAGING ?H)
            (patient ?MANAGING ?PUB))))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 930-937

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