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Sigma KEE - Carnivore
Ailuropodidae, Ailurus, Ailurus_fulgens, Alaska_fur_seal, American_marten, American_mink, American_sable, Antrozous, Antrozous_pallidus, Arctictis, Arctictis_bintourong, Arctocephalus, Arctocephalus_philippi, Arctonyx, Atlantic_walrus, Australian_sea_lion, California_sea_lion, Callorhinus, Callorhinus_ursinus, Carnivora, Charronia, Charronia_flavigula, Choeronycteris, Choeronycteris_mexicana, Conepatus, Cryptoprocta, Cryptoprocta_ferox, Cystophora, Cystophora_cristata, Desmodontidae, Desmodus, Desmodus_rotundus, Diphylla, Diphylla_ecaudata, Eira, Eira_barbara, Enhydra, Enhydra_lutris, Eptesicus, Eptesicus_fuscus, Eptesicus_serotinus, Erignathus, Erignathus_barbatus, Euderma, Euderma_maculata, Eumetopias, Eumetopias_jubatus, Eumops, Eurasian_otter, European_brown_bat...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Carnivore ChineseLanguage "这是吃肉的 Mammal Class。这个 Class的成员每只 爪有通常四到五只爪子。这包括猫、狗、熊、浣熊和臭鼬。") chinese_format.kif 3426-3427
(documentation Carnivore EnglishLanguage "The Class of flesh-eating Mammals. Members of this Class typically have four or five claws on each paw. Includes cats, dogs, bears, racoons, and skunks.") Merge.kif 14645-14647
(externalImage Carnivore " 3/ 30/ Male_Lion_and_Cub_Chitwa_South_Africa_Luca_Galuzzi_2004.JPG") pictureList.kif 4583-4583
(subclass Carnivore Mammal) Merge.kif 14644-14644 Carnivore is a subclass of mammal

appearance as argument number 2

(disjoint Herbivore Carnivore) Mid-level-ontology.kif 20321-20321 Herbivore is disjoint from carnivore
(subclass Badger Carnivore) Mid-level-ontology.kif 20535-20535 Badger is a subclass of carnivore
(subclass Bear Carnivore) Mid-level-ontology.kif 20550-20550 Bear is a subclass of carnivore
(subclass Canine Carnivore) Merge.kif 14657-14657 Canine is a subclass of carnivore
(subclass Feline Carnivore) Merge.kif 14662-14662 Feline is a subclass of carnivore
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Carnivore "食肉动物") chinese_format.kif 994-994 Feline is a subclass of carnivore
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Carnivore "carnivore") english_format.kif 1195-1195 Feline is a subclass of carnivore
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Carnivore "carnivore") french_format.kif 671-671 Feline is a subclass of carnivore
(termFormat Hindi Carnivore "maansaahaarI") terms-hindi.txt 202-202 Feline is a subclass of carnivore
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Carnivore "Carnivoro") terms-it.txt 205-205 Feline is a subclass of carnivore
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Carnivore "肉食動物") japanese_format.kif 2355-2355 Feline is a subclass of carnivore
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Carnivore "Carnivoro") portuguese_format.kif 623-623 Feline is a subclass of carnivore
(termFormat cz Carnivore "carnivore") terms-cz.txt 239-239 Feline is a subclass of carnivore
(termFormat ro Carnivore "carnivor") relations-ro.kif 692-692 Feline is a subclass of carnivore
(termFormat tg Carnivore "hayop na kumakain ng hayop") terms-tg.txt 206-206 Feline is a subclass of carnivore


        (instance ?CARNIVORE Carnivore)
        (instance ?EAT Eating)
        (agent ?EAT ?CARNIVORE)
        (patient ?EAT ?PREY))
    (instance ?PREY Animal))
Merge.kif 14649-14655

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