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Sigma KEE - Attaching
Attaching(attaching)French_knot, Gordian_knot, Matthew_Walker, Matthew_Walker_knot, Shirodkar's_operation, Turk's_head, Windsor_knot, adhere, adherent, adhesive, adjunction, affix, affixation, affixed, agglutinate, agglutinative, anastomose, anastomosis, anastomotic, anchor, annex, append, appendant, applique, articulation, attach, attachment, backstitch, ball, band, bargello, barrel_knot, basifixed, baste, basting, basting_stitch, batten, batten_down, bead, belay, bell, belt, beplaster, berth, bight, bind, bind_off, bitt, blanket_stitch, blind_stitching...

appearance as argument number 1

(disjoint Attaching Detaching) Merge.kif 12394-12394 Attaching is disjoint from detaching
(documentation Attaching ChineseLanguage "这是一个 Process,当中一个 Object 跟另外一个 Object 连接上了。注:这和 Putting 的区别在于两样接上的东西可以已经处于相同的位置。也注: CombiningAttaching 的区别在于前者适用于 Substance,而后者则用于 CorpuscularObject。 再注: AttachingPutting 的另外一个区别在于其中一个或是同时两个接上的东西可能或不能从它们结合的 位置移动。") chinese_format.kif 3163-3167 Attaching is disjoint from detaching
(documentation Attaching EnglishLanguage "A Process where one Object becomes attached to another Object. Note that this differs from Putting in that two things which are attached may already be in the same location. Note that Combining is different from Attaching in that the former applies to Substances, while the latter applies to CorpuscularObjects. Note too that Attaching is different from Putting in that one or both of the two things which are attached may or may not be moved from the location where they were combined.") Merge.kif 12397-12404 Attaching is disjoint from detaching
(relatedInternalConcept Attaching Putting) Merge.kif 12395-12395 Attaching is internally related to putting
(subclass Attaching DualObjectProcess) Merge.kif 12393-12393 Attaching is a subclass of dual object process

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass ApplyingTourniquet Attaching) Medicine.kif 61-61 Applying a tourniquet is a subclass of attaching
(subclass Fertilisation Attaching) Mid-level-ontology.kif 24253-24253 Conceiving is a subclass of attaching
(subclass Grabbing Attaching) Merge.kif 11550-11550 Grabbing is a subclass of attaching
(subclass Sewing Attaching) Mid-level-ontology.kif 5602-5602 Sewing is a subclass of attaching
(subclass Soldering Attaching) Mid-level-ontology.kif 5621-5621 Soldering is a subclass of attaching
(subclass Tying Attaching) Mid-level-ontology.kif 5593-5593 Tying is a subclass of attaching
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Attaching "连接") chinese_format.kif 1165-1165 Tying is a subclass of attaching
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Attaching "attaching") english_format.kif 1547-1547 Tying is a subclass of attaching
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Attaching "attacher") french_format.kif 843-843 Tying is a subclass of attaching
(termFormat Hindi Attaching "sanlagnana") terms-hindi.txt 375-375 Tying is a subclass of attaching
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Attaching "Attaccare") terms-it.txt 378-378 Tying is a subclass of attaching
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Attaching "取付け") japanese_format.kif 2527-2527 Tying is a subclass of attaching
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Attaching "Colar") portuguese_format.kif 795-795 Tying is a subclass of attaching
(termFormat cb Attaching "pagsumpay") terms-cb.txt 380-380 Tying is a subclass of attaching
(termFormat cz Attaching "attaching") terms-cz.txt 414-414 Tying is a subclass of attaching
(termFormat ro Attaching "ataºare") relations-ro.kif 864-864 Tying is a subclass of attaching
(termFormat tg Attaching "ikapit") terms-tg.txt 379-379 Tying is a subclass of attaching


        (instance ?A Anchor)
        (instance ?ATTACH Attaching)
        (instrument ?ATTACH ?A)
        (patient ?ATTACH ?S))
    (instance ?S WaterVehicle))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4235-4241
        (instance ?A Attaching)
        (patient ?A ?O1)
        (patient ?A ?O2)
                (WhenFn ?A))
                (connected ?O1 ?O2)))
                (WhenFn ?A))
            (connected ?O1 ?O2)))
        (objectAttached ?A ?O1)
        (objectAttached ?A ?O2)))
Merge.kif 12429-12443
        (instance ?ATTACH Attaching)
        (patient ?ATTACH ?OBJ1)
        (patient ?ATTACH ?OBJ2))
                (WhenFn ?ATTACH))
                (connected ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)))
                (WhenFn ?ATTACH))
            (connected ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2))))
Merge.kif 12406-12413
        (instance ?VCS VentedChestSeal)
        (instance ?A Attaching)
        (objectTransferred ?A ?VCS)
        (destination ?A ?H))
    (hasPurpose ?VCS
        (exists (?A ?L ?C ?H)
                (instance ?A Air)
                (instance ?L Lung)
                (instance ?C Chest)
                (part ?L ?H)
                (part ?C ?H)
                        (WhenFn ?A))
                    (between ?L ?A ?C))
                (hasPurpose ?VCS
                            (WhenFn ?A))
                        (orientation ?A ?H Outside)))))))
Medicine.kif 853-875
    (instance ?ATTACH Attaching)
    (exists (?OBJ)
            (instance ?OBJ CorpuscularObject)
            (patient ?ATTACH ?OBJ))))
Merge.kif 12415-12420


        (instance ?B Bleeding)
        (instance ?D Death)
        (instance ?H Human)
        (instance ?P Human)
        (experiencer ?B ?P)
        (orientation ?H ?P Near)
            (causes ?B ?D) Likely))
    (holdsObligation ?H
        (exists (?A)
                (instance ?A Attaching)
                (agent ?A ?H)
                (destination ?A ?P)))))
Medicine.kif 44-59
        (instance ?D Dressing)
        (instance ?O Oqal)
        (instance ?H Hat)
        (patient ?D ?O)
        (patient ?D ?H))
    (hasPurpose ?O
        (exists (?A)
                (instance ?A Attaching)
                (instrument ?A ?O)))))
ArabicCulture.kif 420-431
        (instance ?P ProductAssembly)
        (eventLocated ?P ?X)
        (instance ?X AssemblyStation))
        (instance ?P Attaching)
        (instance ?P Combining)))
Economy.kif 2015-2022
    (holdsDuring ?TIME
        (attribute ?T Tourniquet))
    (exists (?P ?B ?A)
            (instance ?P Human)
            (instance ?B Bleeding)
            (instance ?A Attaching)
            (experiencer ?B ?P)
            (destination ?A ?P)
            (objectTransferred ?A ?T)
            (hasPurpose ?T
                    (exists (?B2)
                            (instance ?B2 Bleeding)
                                (WhenFn ?B2)
                                    (WhenFn ?A)))
                            (experiencer ?B2 ?P))))))))
Medicine.kif 20-39
    (instance ?B Bolt)
    (hasPurpose ?B
        (exists (?A ?N)
                (instance ?A Attaching)
                (instance ?N MechanicalNut)
                (instrument ?A ?B)
                (instrument ?A ?N)))))
Cars.kif 4232-4240
    (instance ?DEVICE AttachingDevice)
    (exists (?ATTACH)
            (instance ?ATTACH Attaching)
            (instrument ?ATTACH ?DEVICE))))
Merge.kif 16088-16093
    (instance ?GLUE Glue)
    (hasPurpose ?GLUE
        (exists (?ATTACH)
                (instance ?ATTACH Attaching)
                (instrument ?ATTACH ?GLUE)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 9120-9126
    (instance ?N MechanicalNut)
    (hasPurpose ?N
        (exists (?A ?B)
                (instance ?A Attaching)
                (instance ?B Bolt)
                (instrument ?A ?B)
                (instrument ?A ?N)))))
Cars.kif 4251-4259

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