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Sigma KEE - Artery
alveolar_artery, appendicular_artery, arcuate_artery_of_the_kidney, arteria, arteria_alveolaris, arteria_appendicularis, arteria_ascendens, arteria_auricularis, arteria_choroidea, arteria_circumflexa_femoris, arteria_circumflexa_humeri, arteria_circumflexa_ilium, arteria_circumflexa_scapulae, arteria_colica, arteria_communicans, arteria_coronaria, arteria_digitalis, arteria_epigastrica, arteria_glutes, arteria_iliaca, arteria_intercostalis, arteria_laryngea, arteria_mesenterica, arteria_metacarpea, arteria_metatarsea, arteria_musculophrenica, arteria_nutricia, arteria_palatina, arteria_pancreatica, arteria_pudenda, arteria_rectalis, arteria_subclavia, arterial, arterial_blood_vessel, arteriola, arteriolar, arteriole, artery, ascending_artery, atrial_artery, auricular_artery, capillary_artery, choroidal_artery, circle_of_Willis, circumflex_artery, circumflex_artery_of_the_thigh, circumflex_humeral_artery, circumflex_iliac_artery, circumflex_scapular_artery, colic_artery...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Artery EnglishLanguage "Any BloodVessel which transfers Blood from the Heart to the extremities of the body. Note that there can be some variability between members of the same species in the branching of some particular arteries they have.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 11928-11930
(externalImage Artery " Maxillary_artery.PNG") pictureList.kif 4508-4508
(subclass Artery BloodVessel) Mid-level-ontology.kif 11927-11927 Artery is a subclass of blood vessel

appearance as argument number 2

(relatedInternalConcept Vein Artery) Mid-level-ontology.kif 11945-11945 Vein is internally related to artery
(subclass AbdominalAorta Artery) arteries.kif 1272-1272 Abdominal aorta is a subclass of artery
(subclass AcromialArtery Artery) arteries.kif 982-982 Acromial artery is a subclass of artery
(subclass AfferentArteriole Artery) arteries.kif 1460-1460 Afferent arteriole is a subclass of artery
(subclass AnteriorAuricularBranchArtery Artery) arteries.kif 723-723 Anterior auricular branch artery is a subclass of artery
(subclass AnteriorHumeralCircumflexArtery Artery) arteries.kif 1012-1012 Anterior humeral circumflex artery is a subclass of artery
(subclass AnteriorIliacArteryDivision Artery) arteries.kif 1558-1558 Anterior iliac artery division is a subclass of artery
(subclass AnteriorInterosseousArtery Artery) arteries.kif 1165-1165 Anterior interosseous artery is a subclass of artery
(subclass AnteriorInterventricularArtery Artery) arteries.kif 63-63 Anterior interventricular artery is a subclass of artery
(subclass AnteriorInterventricularDiagonalArtery Artery) arteries.kif 75-75 Anterior interventricular diagonal artery is a subclass of artery
(subclass AnteriorInterventricularSeptalArtery Artery) arteries.kif 69-69 Anterior interventricular septal artery is a subclass of artery
(subclass AnteriorLateralMalleolarArtery Artery) arteries.kif 1881-1881 Anterior lateral malleolar artery is a subclass of artery
(subclass AnteriorMedialMalleolarArtery Artery) arteries.kif 1876-1876 Anterior medial malleolar artery is a subclass of artery
(subclass AnteriorSpinalArtery Artery) arteries.kif 787-787 Anterior spinal artery is a subclass of artery
(subclass AnteriorTibialArtery Artery) arteries.kif 1859-1859 Anterior tibial artery is a subclass of artery
(subclass AnteriorTibialRecurrentArtery Artery) arteries.kif 1869-1869 Anterior tibial recurrent artery is a subclass of artery
(subclass AnteriorUlnarRecurrentArtery Artery) arteries.kif 1144-1144 Anterior ulnar recurrent artery is a subclass of artery
(subclass AnterolateralCentralArtery Artery) arteries.kif 357-357 Anterolateral central artery is a subclass of artery
(subclass Aorta Artery) arteries.kif 1221-1221 Aorta is a subclass of artery
(subclass AorticArch Artery) arteries.kif 114-114 Aortic arch is a subclass of artery
(subclass ArcuateArtery Artery) arteries.kif 1450-1450 Arcuate artery is a subclass of artery
(subclass AscendingAorta Artery) arteries.kif 5-5 Ascending aorta is a subclass of artery
(subclass AscendingPharyngealArtery Artery) arteries.kif 420-420 Ascending pharyngeal artery is a subclass of artery
(subclass AxillaryArtery Artery) arteries.kif 965-965 Axillary artery is a subclass of artery
(subclass BasilarArtery Artery) arteries.kif 811-811 Basilar artery is a subclass of artery

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appearance as argument number 3

(domainSubclass suppliesBlood 1 Artery) Anatomy.kif 1943-1943 The number 1 argument of suppliesBlood is a subclass of artery


        (instance ?ARTERY Artery)
        (instance ?TRANSFER Transfer)
        (patient ?TRANSFER ?BLOOD)
        (instrument ?TRANSFER ?ARTERY)
        (instance ?BLOOD Blood))
    (exists (?HEART)
            (instance ?HEART Heart)
            (origin ?TRANSFER ?HEART))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11932-11942


        (instance ?B Bleeding)
        (experiencer ?B ?H))
    (exists (?VA ?D)
                (instance ?VA Vein)
                (instance ?VA Artery))
            (part ?VA ?H)
            (instance ?D Damaging)
                (WhenFn ?D)
                (WhenFn ?B))
            (patient ?D ?VA))))
Medicine.kif 80-94
    (instance ?BC BloodCirculation)
    (exists (?O ?V ?A ?B)
            (instance ?O Animal)
            (instance ?B Blood)
            (moves ?BC ?B)
            (instance ?A Artery)
            (instance ?V Vein)
            (part ?A ?O)
            (part ?V ?O)
            (path ?BC ?A)
            (path ?BC ?V))))
Medicine.kif 479-491
    (instance ?C Capillary)
    (exists (?A ?V)
            (instance ?A Artery)
            (instance ?V Vein)
            (connects ?C ?A ?V))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 12002-12008

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