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Sigma KEE - AnatomicalStructure
AnatomicalStructure(anatomical structure)
Golgi_apparatus, Golgi_body, Golgi_complex, Port_Orford_cedar, XX, XXX, XXY, XY, XYY, X_chromosome, Y_chromosome, acanthoma, acentric_chromosome, acorn_cup, acrocentric_chromosome, acrosome, adenoma, adenomatous_polyp, adipose_tumor, afterbirth, agnail, allantois, amnion, amnios, amniotic_sac, amyloid_plaque, amyloid_protein_plaque, anatomical_structure, angioma, angiosarcoma, annual_ring, aplacental, apophysis, arch, archenteron, arterial_plaque, aster, autosome, axon, axone, bacterial_plaque, ball, belemnite, benign_tumor, benign_tumour, bilocular_capsule, birthmark, bistered, bistred, blackhead...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation AnatomicalStructure ChineseLanguage "这是 Organism 的解剖构造或结构组织的正常 或病理部分。这个类别包括 BodyPart 和由 Organism 所产生的的结构如:ReproductiveBody。") chinese_format.kif 3488-3489
(documentation AnatomicalStructure EnglishLanguage "A normal or pathological part of the anatomy or structural organization of an Organism. This class covers BodyParts, as well as structures that are given off by Organisms, e.g. ReproductiveBodies.") Merge.kif 14962-14965
(externalImage AnatomicalStructure " commons/ 9/ 90/ Leaf_anatomy.svg") pictureList.kif 2101-2101
(partition AnatomicalStructure AnimalAnatomicalStructure PlantAnatomicalStructure) Merge.kif 14961-14961 Anatomical structure is exhaustively partitioned into animal anatomical structure and plant anatomical structure
(partition AnatomicalStructure BodyPart AbnormalAnatomicalStructure) Merge.kif 14960-14960 Anatomical structure is exhaustively partitioned into body part and abnormal anatomical structure
(subclass AnatomicalStructure OrganicObject) Merge.kif 14959-14959 Anatomical structure is a subclass of organic object

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass AbnormalAnatomicalStructure AnatomicalStructure) Merge.kif 14982-14982 Abnormal anatomical structure is a subclass of anatomical structure
(subclass AnimalAnatomicalStructure AnatomicalStructure) Merge.kif 15042-15042 Animal anatomical structure is a subclass of anatomical structure
(subclass BodyPart AnatomicalStructure) Merge.kif 14995-14995 Body part is a subclass of anatomical structure
(subclass PlantAnatomicalStructure AnatomicalStructure) Merge.kif 15053-15053 Plant anatomical structure is a subclass of anatomical structure
(termFormat ChineseLanguage AnatomicalStructure "解剖结构") chinese_format.kif 1016-1016 Plant anatomical structure is a subclass of anatomical structure
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AnatomicalStructure "anatomical structure") english_format.kif 1244-1244 Plant anatomical structure is a subclass of anatomical structure
(termFormat FrenchLanguage AnatomicalStructure "structure anatomique") french_format.kif 694-694 Plant anatomical structure is a subclass of anatomical structure
(termFormat Hindi AnatomicalStructure "shaarIrika sanrachanaa") terms-hindi.txt 225-225 Plant anatomical structure is a subclass of anatomical structure
(termFormat ItalianLanguage AnatomicalStructure "StrutturaAnatomica") terms-it.txt 228-228 Plant anatomical structure is a subclass of anatomical structure
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage AnatomicalStructure "解剖学的構造") japanese_format.kif 2377-2377 Plant anatomical structure is a subclass of anatomical structure
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage AnatomicalStructure "Estructura Anatomica") portuguese_format.kif 646-646 Plant anatomical structure is a subclass of anatomical structure
(termFormat cz AnatomicalStructure "anatomical structure") terms-cz.txt 263-263 Plant anatomical structure is a subclass of anatomical structure
(termFormat ro AnatomicalStructure "structurã anatomicã") relations-ro.kif 715-715 Plant anatomical structure is a subclass of anatomical structure
(termFormat tg AnatomicalStructure "kaanyuan ng katawan") terms-tg.txt 229-229 Plant anatomical structure is a subclass of anatomical structure

appearance as argument number 3

(partition OrganicObject Organism AnatomicalStructure) Merge.kif 14394-14394 Organic object is exhaustively partitioned into organism and anatomical structure


        (instance ?REL SheddingPart)
        (?REL ?O ?P)
        (instance ?O Organism)
        (instance ?P AnatomicalStructure)
        (part ?P ?O))
    (exists (?R)
            (instance ?R Removing)
            (origin ?R ?O)
            (patient ?R ?P))))
Geography.kif 6412-6423
    (instance ?ANAT AnatomicalStructure)
    (exists (?ORGANISM ?TIME)
            (instance ?ORGANISM Organism)
            (temporalPart ?TIME
                (WhenFn ?ORGANISM))
            (holdsDuring ?TIME
                (part ?ANAT ?ORGANISM)))))
Merge.kif 14967-14973
    (instance ?PART AnatomicalStructure)
    (exists (?CELL)
            (instance ?CELL Cell)
            (part ?CELL ?PART))))
Merge.kif 14975-14980


        (equal ?P
            (OrganicObjectFn ?ORG))
        (subclass ?P Object))
        (subclass ?ORG Organism)
        (subclass ?ORG AnatomicalStructure)))
Economy.kif 5373-5380
    (instance ?INJ Injuring)
    (exists (?STRUCT)
            (instance ?STRUCT AnatomicalStructure)
            (patient ?INJ ?STRUCT))))
Merge.kif 10467-10472
    (instance ?P AnimalProduct)
    (exists (?M ?A ?B)
            (instance ?M Manufacture)
            (result ?M ?P)
            (patient ?M ?A)
                (instance ?A Animal)
                    (part ?B ?A)
                    (instance ?B AnatomicalStructure))))))
Economy.kif 5128-5139
    (instance ?P PlantProduct)
    (exists (?M ?A ?B)
            (instance ?M Manufacture)
            (result ?M ?P)
            (patient ?M ?A)
                (instance ?A Plant)
                    (part ?B ?A)
                    (instance ?B AnatomicalStructure))))))
Economy.kif 5306-5317
    (instance ?POISON Poisoning)
    (exists (?THING)
            (patient ?POISON ?THING)
                (instance ?THING Organism)
                (instance ?THING AnatomicalStructure)))))
Merge.kif 10497-10504

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