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Sigma KEE - AirTransitway
AirTransitway(air transitway)
air_lane, airway, approach_pattern, flight_path, line_of_flight, pattern, skyway, traffic_pattern

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation AirTransitway EnglishLanguage "The subclass of Transitways that are through the EarthsAtmosphere.") Transportation.kif 1248-1249
(externalImage AirTransitway " thumb/ 1/ 13/ FGSQE.jpg/ 250px_FGSQE.jpg") pictureList.kif 1023-1023
(subclass AirTransitway Transitway) Transportation.kif 1247-1247 Air transitway is a subclass of transitway

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Airport AirTransitway) Transportation.kif 1266-1266 Airport is a subclass of air transitway
(termFormat ChineseLanguage AirTransitway "空中运输通道") domainEnglishFormat.kif 6297-6297 Airport is a subclass of air transitway
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage AirTransitway "空中運輸通道") domainEnglishFormat.kif 6296-6296 Airport is a subclass of air transitway
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AirTransitway "air transitway") domainEnglishFormat.kif 6295-6295 Airport is a subclass of air transitway


        (transitwayThroughputCapacity ?LT ?TI ?I)
        (instance ?LT AirTransitway)
        (instance ?C Collection)
        (memberType ?C Aircraft)
        (memberCount ?C ?I2)
        (member ?V ?C)
        (instance ?T Transportation)
        (instrument ?T ?V)
            (WhenFn ?T) ?TI)
        (path ?T ?LT))
    (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?I ?I2))
Transportation.kif 3941-3953
    (instance ?WAY AirTransitway)
    (hasPurpose ?WAY
        (exists (?TRANSPORT)
                (instance ?TRANSPORT Transportation)
                (path ?TRANSPORT ?WAY)
                (partlyLocated ?WAY EarthsAtmosphere)))))
Transportation.kif 1250-1257


        (instance ?A AirTransportationSystem)
        (routeInSystem ?A ?P))
    (instance ?P AirTransitway))
Transportation.kif 3495-3499
        (instance ?T AirTransportation)
        (path ?T ?P))
    (instance ?P AirTransitway))
Transportation.kif 1259-1263
    (instance ?X MultimodalTransitPoint)
    (exists (?T1 ?A ?T2 ?B)
            (instance ?T1
                (TransitFn ?A))
            (instance ?A AirTransitway)
            (path ?T1 ?A)
            (instance ?T2
                (TransitFn ?B))
            (path ?T2 ?B)
            (connects ?X ?A ?B)
                (equal ?T1 ?T2))
                (instance ?B Railway)
                (instance ?B Roadway)
                (instance ?B Waterway)))))
Transportation.kif 3692-3707
    (instance ?X MultimodalTransitPoint)
    (exists (?T1 ?A ?T2 ?B)
            (instance ?T1
                (TransitFn ?A))
            (instance ?A Railway)
            (path ?T1 ?A)
            (instance ?T2
                (TransitFn ?B))
            (path ?T2 ?B)
            (connects ?X ?A ?B)
                (equal ?T1 ?T2))
                (instance ?B Waterway)
                (instance ?B Roadway)
                (instance ?B AirTransitway)))))
Transportation.kif 3726-3741
    (instance ?X MultimodalTransitPoint)
    (exists (?T1 ?A ?T2 ?B)
            (instance ?T1
                (TransitFn ?A))
            (instance ?A Roadway)
            (path ?T1 ?A)
            (instance ?T2
                (TransitFn ?B))
            (path ?T2 ?B)
            (connects ?X ?A ?B)
                (equal ?T1 ?T2))
                (instance ?B Waterway)
                (instance ?B Railway)
                (instance ?B AirTransitway)))))
Transportation.kif 3743-3758
    (instance ?X MultimodalTransitPoint)
    (exists (?T1 ?A ?T2 ?B)
            (instance ?T1
                (TransitFn ?A))
            (instance ?A Waterway)
            (path ?T1 ?A)
            (instance ?T2
                (TransitFn ?B))
            (path ?T2 ?B)
            (connects ?X ?A ?B)
                (equal ?T1 ?T2))
                (instance ?B Railway)
                (instance ?B Roadway)
                (instance ?B AirTransitway)))))
Transportation.kif 3709-3724

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