AVPUStatus(AVPU status) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation AVPUStatus EnglishLanguage "The AVPU scale (an acronym from 'alert, verbal, pain, unresponsive') is a system by which a health care professional can measure and record a patient's level of consciousness. It is mostly used in emergency medicine protocols, and within first aid. It is a simplification of the Glasgow Coma Scale, which assesses a patient response in three measures: eyes, voice and motor skills. The AVPU scale should be assessed using these three identifiable traits, looking for the best response of each [from Wikipedia]") | Medicine.kif 6413-6418 | |
(subclass AVPUStatus RelationalAttribute) | Medicine.kif 6412-6412 | AVPU status is a subclass of relational attribute |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(instance AVPUAlertStatus AVPUStatus) | Medicine.kif 6421-6421 | AVPU alert status is an instance of AVPU status |
(instance AVPUPainStatus AVPUStatus) | Medicine.kif 6461-6461 | AVPU pain status is an instance of AVPU status |
(instance AVPUUnresponsiveStatus AVPUStatus) | Medicine.kif 6484-6484 | AVPU unconscious status is an instance of AVPU status |
(instance AVPUVerbalStatus AVPUStatus) | Medicine.kif 6439-6439 | AVPU verbal status is an instance of AVPU status |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AVPUStatus "AVPU status") | Medicine.kif 6419-6419 | AVPU verbal status is an instance of AVPU status |