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Sigma KEE - temporallyBetween

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation temporallyBetween ChineseLanguage "(temporallyBetween ?POINT1 ?POINT2 ?POINT3)的意思是 TimePoint ?POINT2 位于 TimePoint ?POINT1 和 ?POINT3 之间,即是 ?POINT1 在?POINT2 之前,而 ?POINT2 在 ?POINT3 之前。") chinese_format.kif 2711-2713
(documentation temporallyBetween EnglishLanguage "(temporallyBetween ?POINT1 ?POINT2 ?POINT3) means that the TimePoint ?POINT2 is between the TimePoints ?POINT1 and ?POINT3, i.e. ?POINT1 is before ?POINT2 and ?POINT2 is before ?POINT3.") Merge.kif 8201-8204
(documentation temporallyBetween JapaneseLanguage "(temporallyBetween ?POINT1 ?POINT2 ?POINT3) とは、TimePoint ?POINT2 が TimePoint ?POINT1 と ?POINT3の間にあることを意味す る。") japanese_format.kif 1435-1437
(domain temporallyBetween 1 TimePoint) Merge.kif 8197-8197 Die Zahl 1 Argument von temporallyBetween ist ein fall von TimePoint %n{nicht}
(domain temporallyBetween 2 TimePoint) Merge.kif 8198-8198 Die Zahl 2 Argument von temporallyBetween ist ein fall von TimePoint %n{nicht}
(domain temporallyBetween 3 TimePoint) Merge.kif 8199-8199 Die Zahl 3 Argument von temporallyBetween ist ein fall von TimePoint %n{nicht}
(instance temporallyBetween PartialValuedRelation) Merge.kif 8195-8195 temporallyBetween ist ein fall von PartialValuedRelation %n{nicht}
(instance temporallyBetween TemporalRelation) Merge.kif 8193-8193 temporallyBetween ist ein fall von TemporalRelation %n{nicht}
(instance temporallyBetween TernaryPredicate) Merge.kif 8194-8194 temporallyBetween ist ein fall von TernaryPredicate %n{nicht}
(subrelation temporallyBetween temporallyBetweenOrEqual) Merge.kif 8196-8196 temporallyBetween ist eine teilrelation von temporallyBetweenOrEqual

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage temporallyBetween "时间%2 %n 是在时间 %1 和 时间 %3 between") chinese_format.kif 427-427
(format EnglishLanguage temporallyBetween "%2 is %n between %1 and %3") english_format.kif 433-433
(format FrenchLanguage temporallyBetween "%2 est %n entre %1 et %3") french_format.kif 248-248
(format ItalianLanguage temporallyBetween "%2 is %n tra %1 e %3") relations-it.txt 294-294
(format JapaneseLanguage temporallyBetween "%2 は %1 と %3 の between に %n") japanese_format.kif 2042-2042
(format PortugueseLanguage temporallyBetween "%2 e' %n entre %1 e %3") portuguese_format.kif 200-200
(format cz temporallyBetween "%2 %p{je} %n{nen�} between %1 and %3") relations-cz.txt 253-253
(format de temporallyBetween "%2 ist zwischen %1 und %3") relations-de.txt 556-556
(format hi temporallyBetween "%2 %1 aura %3 ke biicha men %n hai") relations-hindi.txt 330-330
(format ro temporallyBetween "%2 %n{nu} este between%t{între} %1 ºi %3") relations-ro.kif 269-269
(format sv temporallyBetween "%2 ligger %n{inte} mellan %1 och %3") relations-sv.txt 271-271
(format tg temporallyBetween "%2 %n ay sa pagitan ng %1 at %3") relations-tg.txt 486-486
(termFormat ChineseLanguage temporallyBetween "一时之间") domainEnglishFormat.kif 57442-57442
(termFormat ChineseLanguage temporallyBetween "在两个时间之间") chinese_format.kif 428-428
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage temporallyBetween "一時之間") domainEnglishFormat.kif 57441-57441
(termFormat EnglishLanguage temporallyBetween "temporally between") domainEnglishFormat.kif 57440-57440


    (temporallyBetween ?POINT1 ?POINT2 ?POINT3)
        (before ?POINT1 ?POINT2)
        (before ?POINT2 ?POINT3)))
Merge.kif 8206-8210


        (before ?POINT1 ?POINT2)
        (before ?POINT2 ?POINT3))
    (temporallyBetween ?POINT1 ?POINT2 ?POINT3))
Merge.kif 8212-8216
        (instance ?POINT TimePoint)
            (equal ?POINT NegativeInfinity)))
    (exists (?OTHERPOINT)
        (temporallyBetween NegativeInfinity ?OTHERPOINT ?POINT)))
Merge.kif 7929-7934
        (instance ?POINT TimePoint)
            (equal ?POINT PositiveInfinity)))
    (exists (?OTHERPOINT)
        (temporallyBetween ?POINT ?OTHERPOINT PositiveInfinity)))
Merge.kif 7911-7916
    (instance ?EM EspressoMaking)
    (holdsDuring ?EM
        (exists (?H ?W ?V ?T ?LM ?P ?COLL ?K ?CG ?F ?R)
                (instance ?H Heating)
                (patient ?H ?W)
                (measure ?W
                    (MeasureFn ?V Liter))
                (approximateValue ?V 0.03)
                        (WhenFn ?H))
                        (measure ?W
                            (MeasureFn ?T CelsiusDegree))
                        (approximateValue ?T 90)))
                (instance ?LM LiquidMotion)
                (patient ?LM ?W)
                (holdsDuring ?LM
                        (measure ?W
                            (MeasureFn ?P
                                (KiloFn Pascal)))
                        (approximateValue ?P 900)))
                (destination ?LM ?COLL)
                (instance ?COLL Collection)
                (measure ?COLL
                    (MeasureFn ?K Gram))
                (approximateValue ?K 7.5)
                (member ?COLL ?CG)
                (instance ?CG CoffeeGrind)
                (attribute ?CG FineGrind)
                (located ?COLL ?F)
                (instance ?F Filter)
                (instance ?R Removing)
                (instrument ?R ?F)
                (patient ?R ?COLL)
                        (WhenFn ?H))
                        (WhenFn ?LM))
                        (WhenFn ?R)))))))
Food.kif 799-834

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