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Sigma KEE - HoleHostFn

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation HoleHostFn ChineseLanguage "这是一个 UnaryFunction,它把一个 HoleRegion 和属于它 主要主体的 Object 联系起来。一个 HoleRegion 的主要主体是和它最大程度相连的主体(这个概念在这里要符合这个定义 时才能算是一个洞)。") chinese_format.kif 2863-2865
(documentation HoleHostFn EnglishLanguage "A UnaryFunction that maps a HoleRegion to the Object which is its principal host. The principle host of a HoleRegion is its maximally connected host (a notion taken here to be defined only when the argument is a hole).") Merge.kif 9966-9969
(documentation HoleHostFn JapaneseLanguage "A UnaryFunction は、Hole を主ホストである Object にマップする。Hole の原理ホストは、その最大に接続されたホストである (引数がホールである 場合にのみ定義される概念)。") japanese_format.kif 1610-1612
(domain HoleHostFn 1 HoleRegion) Merge.kif 9963-9963 Die Zahl 1 Argument von HoleHostFn ist ein fall von HoleRegion %n{nicht}
(instance HoleHostFn UnaryFunction) Merge.kif 9960-9960 HoleHostFn ist ein fall von UnaryFunction %n{nicht}
(range HoleHostFn Object) Merge.kif 9964-9964 bildbereich von HoleHostFn ist ein fall von Object {nicht}

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage HoleHostFn "洞 %1 的主体") chinese_format.kif 401-401
(format EnglishLanguage HoleHostFn "the host of the hole %1") english_format.kif 407-407
(format FrenchLanguage HoleHostFn "l h�te du trou %1") french_format.kif 231-231
(format JapaneseLanguage HoleHostFn "ホール %1 の host") japanese_format.kif 2033-2033
(format PortugueseLanguage HoleHostFn "o dono do buraco %1") portuguese_format.kif 183-183
(format ro HoleHostFn "host%t{gazda} deshizãturii %1") relations-ro.kif 251-251
(termFormat ChineseLanguage HoleHostFn "洞主体函数") chinese_format.kif 402-402
(termFormat ChineseLanguage HoleHostFn "洞主持人") domainEnglishFormat.kif 28371-28371
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage HoleHostFn "洞主持人") domainEnglishFormat.kif 28370-28370
(termFormat EnglishLanguage HoleHostFn "hole host") domainEnglishFormat.kif 28369-28369


        (instance ?AS AutomobileShock)
        (instance ?C Compressing)
        (instance ?H HoleRegion)
        (attribute ?F Fluid)
        (equal ?AS
            (HoleHostFn ?H))
        (contains ?AS ?F)
        (patient ?C ?AS))
    (exists (?T)
            (instance ?T Transfer)
            (objectTransferred ?T ?F)
            (path ?T ?H)
            (causes ?C ?T))))
Cars.kif 871-885
        (instance ?E EngineCylinder)
        (instance ?C Crankcase)
        (instance ?P Piston)
        (instance ?T TwoStrokeTransfer)
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (located ?P ?E))
        (equal ?E
            (HoleHostFn ?C))
        (eventLocated ?T ?E))
    (hasPurpose ?P
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (partiallyFills ?P ?C))))
Cars.kif 509-521
        (instance ?E EngineCylinder)
        (instance ?I InternalCombustionChamber)
        (instance ?P Piston)
        (instance ?T TwoStrokeIntake)
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (located ?P ?E))
        (equal ?E
            (HoleHostFn ?I))
        (eventLocated ?T ?E))
    (hasPurpose ?P
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (partiallyFills ?P ?I))))
Cars.kif 463-475
        (instance ?F FourStrokeCombustion)
        (instance ?C EngineCylinder)
        (instance ?I InternalCombustionChamber)
        (equal ?C
            (HoleHostFn ?I))
        (eventLocated ?F ?C))
    (exists (?CO)
            (instance ?CO Combustion)
            (subProcess ?CO ?F))))
Cars.kif 207-217
        (instance ?F FourStrokeCompression)
        (instance ?C EngineCylinder)
        (instance ?I InternalCombustionChamber)
        (equal ?C
            (HoleHostFn ?I))
        (eventLocated ?F ?C))
            (WhenFn ?F))
        (attribute ?I Pressurized)))
Cars.kif 191-200
        (instance ?F FourStrokeExhaust)
        (instance ?C EngineCylinder)
        (instance ?I InternalCombustionChamber)
        (equal ?C
            (HoleHostFn ?I))
        (eventLocated ?F ?C))
    (exists (?E ?M)
            (instance ?M GasMotion)
            (instance ?E Exhaust)
            (subProcess ?M ?F)
            (origin ?M ?I)
            (patient ?M ?E))))
Cars.kif 225-238
        (instance ?F FourStrokeIntake)
        (instance ?C EngineCylinder)
        (instance ?I InternalCombustionChamber)
        (equal ?C
            (HoleHostFn ?I))
        (eventLocated ?F ?C))
    (exists (?FV ?M)
            (instance ?M GasMotion)
            (instance ?FV FuelVapor)
            (subProcess ?M ?F)
            (destination ?M ?I)
            (patient ?M ?FV))))
Cars.kif 171-184
        (instance ?L Laceration)
        (instance ?S Skin)
        (equal ?S
            (HoleHostFn ?L))
        (part ?S ?H))
    (exists (?P)
            (instance ?P Poking)
            (result ?P ?L))))
Medicine.kif 6219-6228
        (instance ?T TwoStrokeTransfer)
        (instance ?C EngineCylinder)
        (instance ?I InternalCombustionChamber)
        (equal ?C
            (HoleHostFn ?I))
        (eventLocated ?T ?C))
    (exists (?E ?M)
            (instance ?M GasMotion)
            (instance ?E Exhaust)
            (subProcess ?M ?T)
            (origin ?M ?I)
            (patient ?M ?E))))
Cars.kif 523-536


        (instance ?C Cricothyroidotomy)
        (patient ?C ?O))
            (WhenFn ?C))
        (exists (?H)
                (instance ?H HoleRegion)
                (equal ?T
                    (HoleHostFn ?H))
                (instance ?T Throat)
                (part ?T ?O)))))
Medicine.kif 754-765
        (instance ?C Sneezing)
        (experiencer ?C ?H))
    (hasPurpose ?C
        (exists (?R ?N ?NOSE ?O)
                (instance ?N NasalCavity)
                (instance ?NOSE Nose)
                (equal ?NOSE
                    (HoleHostFn ?N))
                (instance ?O Object)
                (instance ?R Removing)
                (part ?NOSE ?H)
                (objectTransferred ?R ?O)
                        (WhenFn ?C))
                    (located ?O ?N))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 6116-6134
        (instance ?LA LeftAtrium)
        (part ?LA ?H))
    (exists (?H ?HEART)
            (equal ?HEART
                (HoleHostFn ?LA))
            (part ?HEART ?H)
            (instance ?HEART Heart))))
Medicine.kif 275-283
        (instance ?LA LeftVentricle)
        (part ?LA ?H))
    (exists (?H ?HEART)
            (equal ?HEART
                (HoleHostFn ?LA))
            (part ?HEART ?H)
            (instance ?HEART Heart))))
Medicine.kif 291-299
        (instance ?LA RightAtrium)
        (part ?LA ?H))
    (exists (?H ?HEART)
            (equal ?HEART
                (HoleHostFn ?LA))
            (part ?HEART ?H)
            (instance ?HEART Heart))))
Medicine.kif 307-315
        (instance ?LA RightVentricle)
        (part ?LA ?H))
    (exists (?H ?HEART)
            (equal ?HEART
                (HoleHostFn ?LA))
            (part ?HEART ?H)
            (instance ?HEART Heart))))
Medicine.kif 323-331
    (attribute ?X RingTorus)
    (exists (?H)
            (instance ?H HoleRegion)
            (equal ?X
                (HoleHostFn ?H)))))
Cars.kif 4402-4407
    (equal ?OBJ1
        (HoleSkinFn ?HOLE))
            (superficialPart ?OBJ3
                (HoleHostFn ?HOLE))
            (meetsSpatially ?HOLE ?OBJ3)
            (overlapsSpatially ?OBJ2 ?OBJ3))
        (overlapsSpatially ?OBJ2 ?OBJ1)))
Merge.kif 10122-10129
    (equal ?OBJ1
        (HoleSkinFn ?HOLE))
        (overlapsSpatially ?OBJ2 ?OBJ1)
        (exists (?OBJ3)
                (superficialPart ?OBJ3
                    (HoleHostFn ?HOLE))
                (meetsSpatially ?HOLE ?OBJ3)
                (overlapsSpatially ?OBJ2 ?OBJ3)))))
Merge.kif 10112-10120
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (attribute ?H Sinusitis))
    (exists (?NC ?NCH ?I)
            (instance ?NC NasalCavity)
            (equal ?NCH
                (HoleHostFn ?NC))
            (part ?NCH ?H)
            (instance ?I Inflammation)
                (WhenFn ?I) ?T)
            (patient ?I ?NCH))))
Medicine.kif 5706-5716
    (instance ?AREA WaterArea)
    (exists (?BED ?HOLE ?WATER)
                (HoleHostFn ?HOLE) ?BED)
            (instance ?WATER Water)
            (properlyFills ?WATER ?HOLE)
                (MereologicalSumFn ?BED ?WATER) ?AREA))))
Merge.kif 14170-14177
    (instance ?CC CombustionChamber)
    (exists (?H)
            (instance ?H HoleRegion)
            (equal ?CC
                (HoleHostFn ?H)))))
Cars.kif 1706-1711
    (instance ?CS ChestSeal)
    (hasPurpose ?CS
        (exists (?C ?CH ?I ?H)
                (instance ?C Closing)
                (instrument ?C ?CS)
                (located ?C ?CH)
                (instance ?CH Chest)
                (instance ?H HoleRegion)
                (equal ?CH
                    (HoleHostFn ?H))
                (instance ?I Injuring)
                (located ?I ?CH)
                    (WhenFn ?I)
                    (WhenFn ?C))))))
Medicine.kif 828-844
    (instance ?E Engine)
    (exists (?C)
            (instance ?C Crankcase)
            (equal ?E
                (HoleHostFn ?C)))))
Cars.kif 328-333
    (instance ?E EngineCylinder)
    (exists (?H)
            (instance ?H InternalCombustionChamber)
            (equal ?E
                (HoleHostFn ?H)))))
Cars.kif 317-322
    (instance ?G Gasket)
    (hasPurpose ?G
        (exists (?O1 ?O2)
                (instance ?O1 CorpuscularObject)
                (instance ?O2 CorpuscularObject)
                (meetsSpatially ?O1 ?G)
                (meetsSpatially ?O2 ?G)
                    (exists (?H ?D ?T ?O)
                            (instance ?H HoleRegion)
                            (equal ?G
                                (HoleHostFn ?H))
                            (instance ?T Translocation)
                            (path ?T ?H)
                            (origin ?T ?O)
                            (destination ?T ?D)
                            (contains ?O1 ?O)
                                (contains ?O1 ?D))
                            (meetsSpatially ?O1 ?D)
                                (exists (?O3)
                                        (contains ?H ?O3)
                                            (contains ?O1 ?O3))
                                            (contains ?O2 ?O3))))))))))))
Cars.kif 2826-2855
    (instance ?G Glottis)
    (exists (?VC)
            (instance ?VC VocalCords)
            (equal ?VC
                (HoleHostFn ?G)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 6142-6148
    (instance ?HC HydraulicCylinder)
    (exists (?HH ?C ?P)
            (instance ?C HoleRegion)
            (equal ?HH
                (HoleHostFn ?C))
            (shape ?C Cylinder)
            (instance ?P Piston)
            (part ?P ?HC)
            (part ?HH ?HC))))
Cars.kif 1611-1621
    (instance ?L Laceration)
    (exists (?S)
            (instance ?S Skin)
            (equal ?S
                (HoleHostFn ?L)))))
Medicine.kif 6212-6217
    (instance ?N NasalCavity)
    (exists (?NOSE)
            (instance ?NOSE Nose)
            (equal ?NOSE
                (HoleHostFn ?N)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 6083-6089
    (instance ?P Pupil)
    (exists (?I)
            (instance ?I Eye)
            (equal ?I
                (HoleHostFn ?P)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 12153-12159
    (instance ?U Ulcer)
    (exists (?H ?BP)
            (instance ?H HoleRegion)
            (instance ?BP BodyPart)
            (equal ?BP
                (HoleHostFn ?H))
            (part ?BP ?U))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 9451-9458
    (instance ?VH VacuumHose)
    (hasPurpose ?VH
        (exists (?H)
                (instance ?H HoleRegion)
                (equal ?VH
                    (HoleHostFn ?H))
                (attribute ?H PartialVacuum)))))
Cars.kif 4233-4240
    (instance ?W WasherForBolt)
    (exists (?H)
            (instance ?H HoleRegion)
            (equal ?W
                (HoleHostFn ?H)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4300-4305

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