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Sigma KEE - CorsicanLanguage

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(documentation CorsicanLanguage EnglishLanguage "The CorsicanLanguage is a CorsicanGroupLanguage, of France (Corsica). SIL code: COI. ISO 639-1: co. ISO 639-2: cos. Population: 281,000 in Corsica (1993 Johnstone). Population total all countries: 341,000 or more (1976). Region: Corsica, Paris, Marseilles. Also spoken in Bolivia, Canada, Cuba, Italy, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, USA, Venezuela. Alternate names: CORSU, CORSO, CORSE, CORSI. Dialects: SARTENAIS, VICO-AJACCIO, NORTHERN CORSICAN (CAPE CORS, BASTIA), VENACO. Comments: Corsican is in the Tuscan group of Italian varieties. Southern Corsican is closer to northern Sardinian or Gallurese than other Corsican dialects (R. A. Hall, Jr.) Dialects: of Bastia, Venaco, Vico, and Sartene have 79% to 89% lexical similarity. Bonifacio on the southern tip of the island has 78% lexical similarity (highest) with Bastia at extreme north. Ajaccio dialect is central and prestigious. Speakers are bilingual in French but many are not fluent in it. There is a movement for bilingual education. Corsican has been recognized as a separate language by the French government. Not endangered. Bible portions 1861-1994. Also spoken in: Italy. (Language name: CORSICAN.) Alternate names: CORSO, CORSU, CORSE, CORSI. Comments: Southern Corsican is closer to Gallurese Sardinian than to other Corsican dialects (R.A. Hall, Jr.) Bible portions 1861.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 10605-10623
(instance CorsicanLanguage CorsicanGroupLanguage) Languages.kif 10604-10604 CorsicanLanguage ist ein fall von CorsicanGroupLanguage %n{nicht}

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage CorsicanLanguage "科西嘉语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 17418-17418
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage CorsicanLanguage "科西嘉語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 17417-17417
(termFormat EnglishLanguage CorsicanLanguage "corsican language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 17416-17416

appearance as argument number 3

(codeMapping ISO-639-1 "co" CorsicanLanguage) Languages.kif 14763-14763 codeMapping ISO-639-1, "co" and CorsicanLanguage

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