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Sigma KEE - SubjectiveStrongNegativeAttribute
SubjectiveStrongNegativeAttribute(subjective strong negative attribute)Byzantine, Laputan, abhorrent, abject, abominable, abrasive, absolute, absurd, abused, abusive, abysmal, abyssal, academic, accursed, accurst, afflictive, afoul, aggravating, aimless, airheaded, airy, alarming, ambiguous, amok, amuck, annoyed, annoying, antagonistic, antediluvian, antic, antiquated, antithetic, antithetical, antsy, apocalyptic, appalling, appealing, apprehensive, arbitrary, arch, archaic, arduous, arrogant, artful, ascetic, ascetical, asinine, assorted, assuming, assumptive...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation SubjectiveStrongNegativeAttribute ChineseLanguage "这是缺乏客观标准为根据的 NormativeAttribute Class,可是从统计数据上来说它们一般用来形容强烈负面感觉。一般来说,这个 Class 只用于把外在的知识来源和SUMO联系的时候。如果一个词看似缺乏客观标准为根据的话,我们会把它归纳 到这个 Class。") chinese_format.kif 3874-3877
(documentation SubjectiveStrongNegativeAttribute EnglishLanguage "The Class of NormativeAttributes which lack an objective criterion for their attribution, though statistically tends to be used in a strongly negative sense. This Class is, generally speaking, only used when mapping external knowledge sources to the SUMO. If a term from such a knowledge source seems to lack objective criteria for its attribution, it is assigned to this Class.") Merge.kif 17436-17441
(subclass SubjectiveStrongNegativeAttribute SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute) Merge.kif 17435-17435 Subjective strong negative attribute is a subclass of subjective assessment attribute

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage SubjectiveStrongNegativeAttribute "subjective strong negative attribute") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65550-65550

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