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Sigma KEE - Ape
Gorilla_gorilla, Gorilla_gorilla_beringei, Gorilla_gorilla_gorilla, Gorilla_gorilla_grauri, Hylobates, Hylobates_lar, Hylobates_syndactylus, Hylobatidae, Pan, Pan_paniscus, Pan_troglodytes, Pan_troglodytes_schweinfurthii, Pan_troglodytes_troglodytes, Pan_troglodytes_verus, Pongidae, Pongo, Pongo_pygmaeus, Symphalangus, Symphalangus_syndactylus, anthropoid, anthropoid_ape, anthropoidal, ape, apelike, bonobo, central_chimpanzee, chimp, chimpanzee, eastern_chimpanzee, eastern_lowland_gorilla, family_Hylobatidae, family_Pongidae, genus_Gorilla, genus_Hylobates, genus_Pan, genus_Pongo, genus_Symphalangus, gibbon, gorilla, great_ape, lesser_ape, mountain_gorilla, orang, orangutan, orangutang, pongid, pygmy_chimpanzee, siamang, silverback, simian...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Ape ChineseLanguage "这是各种没有尾巴或只有一条短尾的 Primate。") chinese_format.kif 3435-3435
(documentation Ape EnglishLanguage "Various Primates with no tails or only short tails.") Merge.kif 14678-14679
(externalImage Ape " 9/ 9a/ Olive_baboon1.jpg/ 180px-Olive_baboon1.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 238-238
(externalImage Ape " e/ e6/ WhiteFacedSaki.jpg/ 414px-WhiteFacedSaki.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 239-239
(subclass Ape Primate) Merge.kif 14677-14677 Ape is a subclass of primate

appearance as argument number 2

(disjointDecomposition Primate Ape Monkey Hominid) Merge.kif 14673-14673 Primate is disjointly decomposed into ape, monkey, and hominid
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Ape "猿") chinese_format.kif 999-999
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Ape "ape") english_format.kif 1210-1210
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Ape "simien") french_format.kif 676-676
(termFormat Hindi Ape "puchchhahIna kapi") terms-hindi.txt 207-207
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Ape "Scimmia") terms-it.txt 210-210
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Ape "類人猿") japanese_format.kif 2360-2360
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Ape "Simio") portuguese_format.kif 628-628
(termFormat cz Ape "ape") terms-cz.txt 244-244
(termFormat ro Ape "maimuþã antropoidã") relations-ro.kif 697-697
(termFormat tg Ape "Bakulaw") terms-tg.txt 211-211

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