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Sigma KEE - covers

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation covers EnglishLanguage "A relationship of partial or complete physical covering, which may be the result of a Covering. To cover an object, the first object must at least roughly conform to the surface of the second object. ") Merge.kif 15958-15961
(domain covers 1 Object) Merge.kif 15955-15955
(domain covers 2 Object) Merge.kif 15956-15956
(instance covers BinaryPredicate) Merge.kif 15952-15952
(instance covers SpatialRelation) Merge.kif 15954-15954
(instance covers TransitiveRelation) Merge.kif 15953-15953

appearance as argument number 2

(format EnglishLanguage covers "%1 covers %2") Merge.kif 15957-15957
(termFormat EnglishLanguage covers "covers") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65832-65832


        (covers ?A ?B)
        (superficialPart ?S ?B))
    (meetsSpatially ?A ?S))
Merge.kif 15963-15967


        (instance ?B BodyPart)
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?B Bare)))
    (holdsDuring ?T
            (exists (?C)
                    (instance ?C Clothing)
                    (covers ?C ?B))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30467-30477
        (instance ?C Covering)
        (patient ?C ?P)
        (instrument ?C ?I))
            (WhenFn ?C))
        (covers ?I ?P)))
Merge.kif 15969-15976
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (attribute ?A Clothed))
    (holdsDuring ?T
            (exists (?P)
                    (instance ?P ReproductiveBody)
                    (part ?P ?A)
                        (exists (?C)
                                (instance ?C Clothing)
                                (covers ?C ?P)))))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30449-30462
    (instance ?BERG Iceberg)
    (exists (?PART ?WATER)
            (instance ?PART Ice)
            (most ?PART ?BERG)
            (instance ?WATER BodyOfWater)
            (covers ?WATER ?PART))))
Geography.kif 4718-4725
    (instance ?CLOTHING Clothing)
    (hasPurpose ?CLOTHING
        (exists (?H ?P)
                (instance ?H Animal)
                (part ?P ?H)
                (covers ?CLOTHING ?P)))))
Merge.kif 15992-15999
    (instance ?LAND Shoal)
    (exists (?PART ?WATER)
            (instance ?PART LandForm)
            (most ?PART ?LAND)
            (instance ?WATER BodyOfWater)
            (covers ?WATER ?PART))))
Geography.kif 5896-5903
    (instance ?T Tire)
    (hasPurpose ?T
        (exists (?W ?R)
                (instance ?W Wheel)
                (instance ?R WheelRim)
                (part ?T ?W)
                (part ?R ?W)
                (covers ?T ?R)))))
Cars.kif 4848-4857
    (instance ?TC TireChain)
    (hasPurpose ?TC
        (exists (?V ?W ?F)
                (instance ?V RoadVehicle)
                (instance ?W Wheel)
                (part ?W ?V)
                (instance ?F Friction)
                (covers ?TC ?W)
                (instrument ?F ?TC)))))
Cars.kif 4514-4524
    (instance ?V Veneer)
    (hasPurpose ?V
        (exists (?OBJ)
            (covers ?V ?OBJ))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4766-4770

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