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Sigma KEE - KriolLanguage

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(documentation KriolLanguage EnglishLanguage "The KriolLanguage is a PacificEnglishBasedCreoleLanguage of Australia. SIL code: ROP. ISO 639-2: cpe. Population: 10,000 or more fluent first language speakers (1991 B. Borneman SIL), 20,000 or more including second language users (1991 SIL). Region: Roper River, Katherine areas, Ngukurr, Northern Territory, Kimberley Region, Western Australia, Gulf Country, Lower Cape York Peninsula, Queensland. Alternate names: ROPER_BAMYILI CREOLE. Dialects: ROPER RIVER KRIOL (ROPER RIVER PIDGIN), BAMYILI CREOLE, BARKLY KRIOL, FITZROY VALLEY KRIOL, DALY RIVER KRIOL. Comments: Kimberley Kriol has many differences with Ngukkur Kriol. Both Kriol and Torres Strait Creole are spreading, and are nearly overlapping in Queensland. There are many first language Kriol speakers who are not fully bilingual in English or in Aboriginal languages. Preschool children may not be bilingual in another language. SVO. Savannah, scrub forest. Coastal, plains. Pastoralists, hunter_gatherers. 0 to 1,000 meters. NT 1991.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 2057-2070
(instance KriolLanguage PacificEnglishBasedCreoleLanguage) Languages.kif 2056-2056

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage KriolLanguage "kriol语言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 32868-32868
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage KriolLanguage "kriol語言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 32867-32867
(termFormat EnglishLanguage KriolLanguage "kriol language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 32866-32866

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