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Sigma KEE - DataSaving

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation DataSaving EnglishLanguage "A process of copying the document, record or image being worked on onto a storage medium. Saving updates the file by writing the data that currently resides in memory (RAM) onto disk or tape. Most applications prompt the user to save data upon exiting.") QoSontology.kif 2010-2013
(subclass DataSaving ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 2009-2009

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage DataSaving "数据保存") domainEnglishFormat.kif 18597-18597
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage DataSaving "數據保存") domainEnglishFormat.kif 18596-18596
(termFormat EnglishLanguage DataSaving "data saving") domainEnglishFormat.kif 18595-18595


        (instance ?DSAVE DataSaving)
        (resource ?DSAVE ?RES)
        (instance ?RES ElectronicDataStorageDevice))
    (exists (?DEV)
            (instance ?DEV ElectricDevice)
            (instrument ?DSAVE ?DEV)
                (WhenFn ?DSAVE)
                (connected ?RES ?DEV)))))
Media.kif 690-700
    (instance ?DSAVE DataSaving)
    (exists (?DSTORE)
            (instance ?DSTORE DataStorageDevice)
            (resource ?DSAVE ?DSTORE))))
QoSontology.kif 2020-2025
    (instance ?Save DataSaving)
    (exists (?Data)
        (dataProcessed ?Save ?Data)))
QoSontology.kif 2015-2018


        (processAborted ?Abort ?Process)
        (dataProcessed ?Process ?Data))
        (exists (?Save)
                (instance ?Save DataSaving)
                (dataProcessed ?Save ?Data)))))
QoSontology.kif 1999-2007

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