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Sigma KEE - Adjacent

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Adjacent ChineseLanguage "这是用来指明一个物体 ?OBJ1 靠近、附近或邻接 ?OBJ2。这个 PositionalAttribute 包括一下的尝试概念:毗邻、邻接、连续、并列和靠近。") chinese_format.kif 3822-3823
(documentation Adjacent EnglishLanguage "Used to assert that an object ?OBJ1 is close to, near or abutting ?OBJ2. This PositionalAttribute covers the following common sense notions: adjoins, abuts, is contiguous to, is juxtaposed, and is close to.") Merge.kif 17175-17178
(instance Adjacent SymmetricPositionalAttribute) Merge.kif 17174-17174

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage Adjacent "邻") domainEnglishFormat.kif 5447-5447
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Adjacent "鄰") domainEnglishFormat.kif 5446-5446
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Adjacent "adjacent") domainEnglishFormat.kif 5445-5445
(termFormat tg Adjacent "katabi") terms-tg.txt 535-535


    (orientation ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2 Adjacent)
        (orientation ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2 Near)
        (connected ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)))
Merge.kif 17180-17184
        (instance ?COAST Seacoast)
        (instance ?WATER WaterArea)
        (orientation ?WATER ?COAST Adjacent))
    (instance ?WATER SaltWaterArea))
Geography.kif 6102-6107
        (instance ?SHORE ShoreArea)
        (instance ?WATER WaterArea)
        (orientation ?SHORE ?WATER Adjacent))
    (exists (?LINE)
            (instance ?LINE Shoreline)
            (part ?LINE ?SHORE)
            (meetsSpatially ?LINE ?WATER))))
Geography.kif 6128-6137
        (instance ?basin Basin)
        (instance ?area LandArea)
        (instance ?U UnitOfLength)
        (earthAltitude ?basin
            (MeasureFn ?height1 ?U))
        (earthAltitude ?area
            (MeasureFn ?height2 ?U))
        (orientation ?basin ?area Adjacent))
    (greaterThan ?height2 ?height1))
Geography.kif 4223-4233
        (instance ?piedmont Piedmont)
        (attribute ?mountains MountainousTerrain)
        (orientation ?piedmont ?mountains Adjacent)
        (instance ?U UnitOfLength)
        (height ?piedmont
            (MeasureFn ?height1 ?U))
        (height ?mountains
            (MeasureFn ?height2 ?U)))
    (greaterThan ?height2 ?height1))
Geography.kif 4182-4192
        (instance ?valley Valley)
        (instance ?area LandArea)
        (instance ?U UnitOfLength)
        (earthAltitude ?valley
            (MeasureFn ?height1 ?U))
        (earthAltitude ?area
            (MeasureFn ?height2 ?U))
        (orientation ?valley ?area Adjacent))
    (greaterThan ?height2 ?height1))
Geography.kif 4207-4217
        (subclass ?T1C Tissue)
        (subclass ?T2C Tissue)
        (instance ?T1 ?T1C)
        (instance ?T2 ?T2C)
        (instance ?H Human)
        (part ?T1 ?H)
        (part ?T2 ?H)
            (equal ?T1C ?T2C))
            (subclass ?T1C ?T2C))
            (subclass ?T2C ?T1C))
        (orientation ?T1 ?T2 Adjacent))
        (exists (?CT)
                (instance ?CT ConnectiveTissue)
                (between ?T1 ?CT ?T2))) Likely))
Merge.kif 15221-15242
    (orientation ?ONE ?TWO Adjacent)
    (orientation ?TWO ?ONE Adjacent))
Geography.kif 711-713


    (adjacentOrientation ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)
    (exists (?X)
            (instance ?X ?OBJ2)
            (orientation ?OBJ1 ?X Adjacent))))
Hotel.kif 939-944
        (instance ?SM StripMall)
        (instance ?RS1 RetailStore)
        (part ?RS1 ?SM))
    (exists (?PL)
            (instance ?PL ParkingLot)
            (orientation ?RS1 ?PL Adjacent))))
Medicine.kif 5135-5143
    (attribute ?ROOM OpenLayout)
        (instance ?ROOM Room)
        (exists (?R1 ?R2 ?H)
                (instance ?R1 Region)
                (instance ?R2 Region)
                (located ?R1 ?ROOM)
                (located ?R2 ?ROOM)
                    (equal ?R1 ?R2))
                (orientation ?R1 ?R2 Adjacent)
                (exists (?P1 ?P2)
                        (instance ?P1 Process)
                        (instance ?P2 Process)
                        (hasPurpose ?R1 ?P1)
                        (hasPurpose ?R2 ?P2)))
                        (instance ?H AutonomousAgent)
                        (located ?H ?R2))
                        (capability Seeing agent ?H)
                        (capability Seeing patient ?R1)))))))
Dining.kif 956-980
    (attribute ?X AdjoiningRoom)
    (exists (?ROOM ?WALL ?DOOR)
            (attribute ?ROOM AdjoiningRoom)
                (equal ?ROOM ?X))
            (orientation ?X ?ROOM Adjacent)
            (instance ?WALL Wall)
            (part ?WALL ?ROOM)
            (part ?WALL ?X)
            (instance ?DOOR Door)
            (part ?DOOR ?WALL))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15487-15498
    (attribute ?X DownAndInRoom)
    (exists (?LOC ?INDOOR)
            (instance ?INDOOR Indoors)
            (instance ?LOC Region)
            (orientation ?LOC ?X Adjacent)
            (orientation ?LOC ?X Outside)
            (located ?LOC ?INDOOR))))
Hotel.kif 1057-1065
    (attribute ?X DownAndOutRoom)
    (exists (?LOC ?OUTDOOR)
            (instance ?OUTDOOR Outdoors)
            (instance ?LOC Region)
            (orientation ?LOC ?X Adjacent)
            (orientation ?LOC ?X Outside)
            (located ?LOC ?OUTDOOR))))
Hotel.kif 1072-1080
        (BorderFn ?AREA1 ?AREA2) GeographicArea)
    (orientation ?AREA1 ?AREA2 Adjacent))
Geography.kif 707-709
    (instance ?G ResidentialGarden)
    (exists (?B)
            (instance ?B ResidentialBuilding)
            (orientation ?G ?B Adjacent))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 8399-8404
    (instance ?PORT PortCity)
    (exists (?SEA)
                (instance ?SEA Sea)
                (instance ?SEA Ocean))
                (orientation ?PORT ?SEA Adjacent)
                (orientation ?PORT ?SEA Near)))))
Transportation.kif 841-850
    (instance ?PORT SeaPort)
    (exists (?SEA)
                (instance ?SEA Sea)
                (instance ?SEA Ocean))
                (orientation ?PORT ?SEA Adjacent)
                (orientation ?PORT ?SEA Near)))))
Transportation.kif 873-882
    (instance ?SURF SurfZone)
    (exists (?SL)
            (instance ?SL Shoreline)
            (orientation ?SURF ?SL Adjacent))))
Weather.kif 1363-1368
    (instance ?X Earphone)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?ES ?RS ?SIGNAL ?EAR ?PROC)
                (instance ?ES ElectricalSignalling)
                (patient ?ES ?SIGNAL)
                (destination ?ES ?X)
                (instance ?PROC Process)
                (instrument ?PROC ?X)
                (patient ?PROC ?SIGNAL)
                (result ?PROC ?RS)
                (instance ?RS RadiatingSound)
                (origin ?RS ?X)
                        (WhenFn ?ES))
                        (WhenFn ?PROC)))
                        (WhenFn ?PROC))
                        (WhenFn ?RS)))
                (instance ?EAR Ear)
                (orientation ?X ?EAR Adjacent)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26349-26370
    (instance ?X Patio)
            (attribute ?X Paved) Likely)
        (exists (?BLDG)
                (instance ?BLDG Building)
                (orientation ?X ?BLDG Adjacent)
                (located ?X Outdoors)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26935-26944
    (instance ?piedmont Piedmont)
    (exists (?mountains)
            (instance ?mountains MountainousTerrain)
            (orientation ?piedmont ?mountains Adjacent))))
Geography.kif 4175-4180
    (meetsSpatially ?OBJECT1 ?OBJECT2)
    (orientation ?OBJECT1 ?OBJECT2 Adjacent))
Transportation.kif 864-866
    (meetsSpatially ?X ?Y)
    (orientation ?X ?Y Adjacent))
Geography.kif 6139-6141
    (orientation ?ONE ?TWO Adjacent)
    (orientation ?TWO ?ONE Adjacent))
Geography.kif 711-713
    (postStreet ?POSTPLACE ?ROADWAY)
    (orientation ?POSTPLACE ?ROADWAY Adjacent))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 25139-25141

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