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Sigma KEE - weatherThreat

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation weatherThreat EnglishLanguage "A weatherThreat is a Relation linking 4 arguments. (weatherThreat ?WP ?P ?A ?TI) means it is believed that an instance of a class of WeatherProcess ?WP will occur in GeographicArea ?A during TimeInterval ?TI and it is not desirable to a GroupOfPeople that it happens.") Weather.kif 3205-3208
(domain weatherThreat 2 GroupOfPeople) Weather.kif 3210-3210
(domain weatherThreat 3 GeographicArea) Weather.kif 3211-3211
(domain weatherThreat 4 TimeInterval) Weather.kif 3212-3212
(domainSubclass weatherThreat 1 WeatherProcess) Weather.kif 3209-3209
(instance weatherThreat QuaternaryPredicate) Weather.kif 3204-3204

appearance as argument number 2

(format EnglishLanguage weatherThreat "%1 is a threat to %2 located at %3 during %4") domainEnglishFormat.kif 4954-4954
(relatedInternalConcept WeatherAssessment weatherThreat) Weather.kif 3171-3171
(relatedInternalConcept WeatherForecast weatherThreat) Weather.kif 3190-3190
(termFormat EnglishLanguage weatherThreat "weather threat") domainEnglishFormat.kif 66034-66034


    (weatherThreat ?CLASS ?G ?A ?TI)
    (exists (?M)
        (believes ?M
            (exists (?I)
                    (member ?I ?G)
                    (holdsDuring ?TI
                        (exists (?WP)
                                (instance ?WP ?CLASS)
                                (eventLocated ?WP ?A))))
                        (desires ?I ?WP)))))))
Weather.kif 3214-3227

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