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Sigma KEE - significantWaveHeight

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(documentation significantWaveHeight ChineseLanguage "有效波高 (significantWaveHeight)是一个三元谓词(TernaryPredicate)。 (significantWaveHeight ?WA ?TIME ?SWH) ?SWH 是形容在一段时间?TIME (TimeInterval) 一个水域内?WA (WaterArea),所有波浪中,从波峰到波谷平均波高最高的三分之一波浪波高的的长度单位 (LengthMeasure)。 它定义为所有波高标准偏差的四倍。") Weather.kif 1503-1506
(documentation significantWaveHeight EnglishLanguage " significantWaveHeight is a TernaryPredicate. (significantWaveHeight ?WA ?TIME ?SWH) ?SWH is a LengthMeasure used to describe the average wave height, from trough to crest, of the highest third the waves for a ?WA (WaterArea) for a ?TIME (TimeInterval). It is defined as four times the standard deviation of the height of all waves.") Weather.kif 1499-1502
(domain significantWaveHeight 1 WaterArea) Weather.kif 1508-1508
(domain significantWaveHeight 2 TimePosition) Weather.kif 1509-1509
(domain significantWaveHeight 3 LengthMeasure) Weather.kif 1510-1510
(instance significantWaveHeight TernaryPredicate) Weather.kif 1511-1511

appearance as argument number 2

(format EnglishLanguage significantWaveHeight "significantWaveHeight in %1 during %2 is %3.") Weather.kif 1512-1513
(termFormat ChineseLanguage significantWaveHeight "有效波高") domainEnglishFormat.kif 27892-27892
(termFormat EnglishLanguage significantWaveHeight "significant wave height") domainEnglishFormat.kif 27891-27891


        (instance ?SZ SurfZone)
        (significantWaveHeight ?SZ
            (WhenFn ?SZ)
            (MeasureFn ?X FootLength))
        (greaterThan ?X 8.0))
    (attribute ?SZ RedFlagSwimmingCondition))
Weather.kif 1382-1389


        (instance ?WW WaterWave)
        (waveHeight ?WW ?WH))
    (exists (?LIST ?WA ?U ?SWH)
            (inList ?WH ?LIST)
            (instance ?WA WaterArea)
            (eventLocated ?WW ?WA)
            (instance ?U UnitOfLength)
            (significantWaveHeight ?WA
                (WhenFn ?WW)
                (MeasureFn ?SWH ?U))
            (equal ?SWH
                (MultiplicationFn 4.0
                    (StandardDeviationFn ?LIST))))))
Weather.kif 1515-1530
    (instance ?HS HeavySurf)
    (exists (?SZ ?SWH)
            (instance ?SZ SurfZone)
            (eventLocated ?HS ?SZ)
            (significantWaveHeight ?SZ
                (WhenFn ?HS)
                (MeasureFn ?SWH FootLength))
            (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?SWH 13.0))))
Weather.kif 1540-1549

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