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Sigma KEE - playsRoleInEventOfType

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation playsRoleInEventOfType EnglishLanguage "(playsRoleInEventOfType ?OBJ ?ROLE ?TYPE ?TIME ?PLACE) means that ?OBJ plays the role specified by ?ROLE in an instance of ?TYPE, which occurs at ?TIME and ?PLACE.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 23559-23561
(domain playsRoleInEventOfType 1 Object) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23553-23553
(domain playsRoleInEventOfType 2 CaseRole) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23554-23554
(domain playsRoleInEventOfType 4 TimePosition) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23556-23556
(domain playsRoleInEventOfType 5 Object) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23557-23557
(domainSubclass playsRoleInEventOfType 3 Process) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23555-23555
(instance playsRoleInEventOfType QuintaryPredicate) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23552-23552

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage playsRoleInEventOfType "%1 %n{不} 对于 %3 和 %4 和 %5 在事件类别 %2 plays 角色") domainEnglishFormat.kif 1971-1971
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage playsRoleInEventOfType "%1 %n{不} 對於 %3 和 %4 和 %5 在事件類別 %2 plays 角色") domainEnglishFormat.kif 1970-1970
(format EnglishLanguage playsRoleInEventOfType "%1 %n{doesn't} plays role in event of type %2 for %3 with %4 and %5") domainEnglishFormat.kif 1969-1969
(termFormat ChineseLanguage playsRoleInEventOfType "在类型的事件中发挥作用") domainEnglishFormat.kif 46311-46311
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage playsRoleInEventOfType "在類型的事件中發揮作用") domainEnglishFormat.kif 46310-46310
(termFormat EnglishLanguage playsRoleInEventOfType "plays role in event of type") domainEnglishFormat.kif 46309-46309


    (playsRoleInEventOfType ?OBJ ?ROLE ?TYPE ?TIME ?PLACE)
    (exists (?EVENT)
            (instance ?EVENT ?TYPE)
            (time ?EVENT ?TIME)
            (eventLocated ?EVENT ?PLACE)
            (playsRoleInEvent ?OBJ ?ROLE ?EVENT))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 23563-23570


    (detainedAtTimeInPlace ?AGENT ?TIME ?PLACE)
    (playsRoleInEventOfType ?AGENT detainee Confining ?TIME ?PLACE))
Justice.kif 26-28
        (playsRoleInEvent ?OBJ ?ROLE ?EVENT)
        (instance ?EVENT ?CLASS)
        (subclass ?CLASS Process)
        (time ?EVENT ?TIME)
        (eventLocated ?EVENT ?PLACE))
    (playsRoleInEventOfType ?OBJ ?ROLE ?CLASS ?TIME ?PLACE))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 23543-23550
        (playsRoleInEvent ?OBJ ?ROLE ?EVENT)
        (instance ?EVENT ?TYPE)
        (subclass ?TYPE Process)
        (time ?EVENT ?TIME)
        (eventLocated ?EVENT ?PLACE))
    (playsRoleInEventOfType ?OBJ ?ROLE ?TYPE ?TIME ?PLACE))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 23572-23579
    (observedAtTimeInPlace ?OBJ ?AGENT ?TIME ?PLACE)
    (playsRoleInEventOfType ?AGENT agent Seeing ?TIME ?PLACE))
Justice.kif 75-77
    (observedAtTimeInPlace ?OBJ ?AGENT ?TIME ?PLACE)
    (playsRoleInEventOfType ?OBJ patient Seeing ?TIME ?PLACE))
Justice.kif 71-73

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