maxValue |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation maxValue EnglishLanguage "The maximum possible value for a given numerical argument of a Relation. The second argument is the argument number of the relation and the third argument is the maximum value.") | Merge.kif 18480-18482 | |
(domain maxValue 1 Predicate) | Merge.kif 18484-18484 | |
(domain maxValue 2 Integer) | Merge.kif 18485-18485 | |
(domain maxValue 3 Quantity) | Merge.kif 18486-18486 | |
(instance maxValue TernaryPredicate) | Merge.kif 18483-18483 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(format EnglishLanguage maxValue "The maxValue of %1 with %2 arguments is %3.") | Merge.kif 18487-18488 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage maxValue "max value") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 65914-65914 |