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Sigma KEE - freeRoomAmenity

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation freeRoomAmenity EnglishLanguage "(freeRoomAmenity ?ROOM ?PHYS) means that there is no price associated with the use of an object or the rendering of a service") Hotel.kif 338-340
(domainSubclass freeRoomAmenity 1 HotelUnit) Hotel.kif 336-336
(domainSubclass freeRoomAmenity 2 Physical) Hotel.kif 337-337
(instance freeRoomAmenity BinaryPredicate) Hotel.kif 335-335
(subrelation freeRoomAmenity roomAmenity) Hotel.kif 334-334

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage freeRoomAmenity "%2 的使用是对于 %1 免费") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3492-3492
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage freeRoomAmenity "%2 的使用對於 %1 是免費") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3491-3491
(format EnglishLanguage freeRoomAmenity "use of %2 is free for %1") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3490-3490
(termFormat EnglishLanguage freeRoomAmenity "free room amenity") Hotel.kif 341-341


        (freeRoomAmenity ?ROOM ?OBJ)
        (subclass ?OBJ Object)
        (instance ?R ?ROOM)
        (stays ?GUEST ?R)
        (element ?R
            (PropertyFn ?HOTEL))
        (instance ?O ?OBJ)
        (located ?O ?R)
        (instance ?P Process)
        (agent ?P ?GUEST)
            (patient ?P ?O)
            (instrument ?P ?O)
            (resource ?P ?O)))
    (price ?O
        (MeasureFn 0 UnitedStatesDollar) ?GUEST))
Hotel.kif 346-361
        (freeRoomAmenity ?ROOM ?PROC)
        (subclass ?PROC Process)
        (instance ?R ?ROOM)
        (stays ?GUEST ?R)
        (element ?R
            (PropertyFn ?HOTEL))
        (patient ?P ?GUEST)
            (instance ?P ?PROC)
                (instance ?S ?PROC)
                (subProcess ?P ?S)))
        (located ?P ?R))
    (price ?P
        (MeasureFn 0.0 UnitedStatesDollar) ?GUEST))
Hotel.kif 364-378

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