WaterSupplyAndIrrigationSystems |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation WaterSupplyAndIrrigationSystems EnglishLanguage "An Attribute of an Organization, that specifies that the primary business of the organization involves Water Supply and Irrigation Systems or Water Supply.") | naics.kif 1056-1059 | |
(subAttribute WaterSupplyAndIrrigationSystems WaterSewageAndOtherSystems) | naics.kif 1054-1054 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage WaterSupplyAndIrrigationSystems "供水和灌溉系统") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 62483-62483 | |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage WaterSupplyAndIrrigationSystems "供水和灌溉系統") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 62482-62482 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage WaterSupplyAndIrrigationSystems "water supply and irrigation systems") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 62481-62481 |