TapWater |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation TapWater EnglishLanguage "TapWater is Water from the tap. It is mostly safe to be consumed by Human in some advanced countries, but it may also contain harmful substance, such as lead which are bad for human health. It is this reason that it is not classfified under DrinkingWater.") | Food.kif 270-273 | |
(relatedInternalConcept TapWater DrinkingWater) | Food.kif 269-269 | |
(subclass TapWater FreshWater) | Food.kif 268-268 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage TapWater "tap water") | Food.kif 274-274 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?W TapWater) (instance ?M Mixture) (part ?W ?M) (instance ?A Antifreeze) (part ?A ?M) (attribute ?M Solid) (measure ?M (MeasureFn ?D CelsiusDegree))) (greaterThan 32 ?D)) |
Cars.kif 1219-1228 | |
(=> (instance ?TW TapWater) (exists (?LM ?F) (and (instance ?LM WaterMotion) (patient ?LM ?TW) (origin ?LM ?F) (instance ?F Faucet)))) |
Food.kif 276-283 | |
(=> (instance ?TW TapWater) (modalAttribute (instance ?TW (FoodForFn Human)) Likely)) |
Food.kif 285-289 |